What is the ACHIEVEMENT GAP? The huge gap (or difference) in test scores between low-income schools and wealthier schools. Students from poorer schools have low test scores, while students from wealthier schools have really good test scores and really good grades. Fourth graders in low-income communities are already three grade levels behind their peers in high-income communities.
GRADUATION RATES Throughout America, about 50% of students in low-income communities won't graduate from high school by the time they are 18 years old. Those who do graduate, will have on average 8th-grade reading and math skills. Only 1 in 10 students from those low-income communities will graduate from college.
GRADUATION RATES Each year in California, there are approximately 500,000 enrolled freshmen. Only 1/3 (33%) of them (≈165,000) will graduate from high school on time. Only 12% of them (≈60,000) will enroll into the University of California system. Only 7% of them (≈35,000) will obtain a college-level degree in six years or less.
WHY? Children growing up in low-income communities face extra challenges. Schools are not able to meet students’ extra needs. Tax money. Lack of belief from students, communities, and America.
How does this AFFECT STUDENTS? Students with lower test scores… Tend to not finish high school, Tend to not go to college, Tend to not get good jobs, Are 8 times more likely to end up in prison, Produce a vicious cycle where their own kids will be likely to receive low test scores and the cycle will repeat itself all over again.
What about ME? De Anza and Juan Crespi’s 2012 English Language Arts CST Data GRADE 8th 9th 10th 11th Advanced 17% 0% 10% Proficient 25% 29% Basic 32% 34% 33% 23% Below Basic 15% 16% 20% Far Below Basic 11% 8% 18%
What about ME? De Anza and Juan Crespi’s 8th Graders’ 2012 Mathematics CST Data GRADE Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Advanced 1% 5% 0% Proficient 8% 11% 2% Basic 16% 21% 17% Below Basic 48% 35% 37% Far Below Basic 27% 28% 44%
And TEACHERS? Teachers in the highest performing countries (like Finland and Korea) are paid more than doctors and lawyers. Their teachers come from the top 30% of college graduates. Average first-year teacher salary in America = $35,000. Our teachers come from the bottom 30% of college graduates.
LONG-TERM EFFECTS No high school diploma = $18,000/year High school diplomas = $30,000/year College diploma = $50,000/year Masters = $60,000/year
It doesn't have to be this way!
How do we FIX THIS? Good teachers and good instruction. High expectations of students, teachers, administration, district leaders, and our country. Believing in yourself… (you love it…)