Department of History Course Choices for Final Year Students in
Hayes-Robinson Lecture 2012 PROFESSOR CATHERINE HALL Displaced Histories Memories of the Slave Trade and Slavery TUESDAY 6 MARCH 6:15 P.M. WINDSOR BUILDING AUDITORIUM Followed by a reception in the Windsor Building Foyer ALL WELCOME
Sources of Information Make sure you have the Choice Form for your specific degree programme Information for current students History Course Directory (RHUL) Information about intercollegiate and interdepartmental courses Degree structure
Final Year History Courses I Group 3 course - 2 units (1 unit = taught course; 1 unit = 10,000 word dissertation); all year; 2-hr seminar/week; max. 15 students Group 2 course - 1 unit; all year; 2-hr seminar/week; max. 20 students Group 1 course – 1/2 unit; first term; 1-hr lecture and 1hr-tutorial per week
Important Notes You CANNOT take a Group 1 or a Group 2 course that you have taken before You CANNOT take a Group 2 and a Group 3 course in the same year with the same course leader (this does not apply to your Group 1 choice)
Final Year History Courses II HS3106 Historiography – 1/2 unit; second term Dissertation Research Skills – A non-assessed skills programme to assist you with writing your dissertation. Preliminary sessions 28 May – 8 June. Watch out later this term for s on this subject from Dr Emmett Sullivan.
Intercollegiate Courses You may take EITHER your Group 3 OR your Group 2 course at another London college. Only courses on the list on the website are available in Intercollegiate courses may only be chosen as your 1st or 2nd preference Department contributes to train fares, but commuting to central London takes time and organisation.
Ancient History in the Department of Classics It is possible to take an Ancient History course taught in the Department of Classics in your third year in place of your Group 2 course. Only courses on the list on the website are available in If interested, you must speak to Dr Gwynn before Tuesday 6 March.
Latin for Historians HS2111 Latin for Historians - 1/2 unit; all year; for those especially interested in ancient & medieval history (replaces Historiography in term 2) Only available to those who have already passed HS1111
Joint and Combined Degrees Partner departments for joint history degrees (International Relations; French; Spanish; German; Music) organise their course choices separately. Exception: BA Modern History and Politics - contact Dr Gwynn before Tuesday 6 March if you wish to take a unit in PIR in place of your Group 2 course.
Some important reminders Not all courses that ran in will run in Make sure that the courses you are interested in are open for selection. Courses subject to very heavy demand (indicated in the list on the website) can only be selected as your 1st or 2nd choice. Intercollegiate courses should only be chosen as your 1st or 2nd preference.
Choosing Courses - the practical bits Register your course preferences on the appropriate form for your degree. Please read the notes carefully. You must give the number of preferences requested; or your form will be dealt with last. You must fill out all the personal details on each page - they will be separated after submission.
Important Deadlines Tuesday 6 March, 1pm - if you hope to take an intercollegiate course. Tuesday 13 March, 1pm - if you are only interested in RHUL courses. Submit your form to the box outside McCrea 318
BA French & History; BA German & History; BA History & Music; BA History & Spanish Take a Group 3 (taught course and 10,000 word dissertation) only. BA History and International Relations EITHER take a Group 2 and the taught component (1 unit) of a Group 3 but write a dissertation with PIR, OR take just a Group 3 (both taught course and dissertation). BA Modern History and Politics May only take Modern History. May substitute 1 unit of Politics for a Group 2.
What next? Allocations will be posted in the History Department: start of the Summer Term. Start-up meetings : compulsory meetings for all courses and for the Dissertation Research Skills programme will be held 28 May – 8 June. If you dont attend, you risk losing your place: your summer term commitments do NOT end with your examinations.
Where to Get Further Advice 1.Tutors of subjects which interest you 2.Your personal tutor 3.Course Allocation Officer (Dr David Gwynn, McCrea 335) Use staff members office hours to communicate with them – dont bombard them with s!