WLTP – supplemental test for correction to regional conditions WLTP-DTP-LabProcICE-244 BMW Group, EG-63 Christoph Mayer, Andreas Eder WLTP – supplemental test for correction to regional conditions Procedure for supplemental test Family Validation
supplemental test Family Validation The motivation for the family validation is to show, that the tolerances within the family definition do not lead to significant differences in the CO2 effect of the supplemental test. That means, that the Family Correction Factor (FCF) has to be similar at both ends of the family. Vehicle choice: The vehicles should be chosen such that: the basic family criteria are met (see slide 4). the widest possible spread within a temperature correction family in terms of engine oil and water temperature after the 23°C soak test is reached (see slide 3 Test_d.@23°C, Slide 4). the widest possible spread within a temperature correction family in terms of heat storage capacity is reached (see slide 4). the widest possible spread within a temperature correction family in terms of engine capacity is reached (see slide 4).
supplemental test Family Validation Road load determination => F0, F1, F2 23°C Test 14°C Test a. Correction of F0,F1,F2 to 20°C => GTR Annex 4 §4.5 a. Correction of F0,F1,F2 to 14°C => GTR Annex 4 §4.5 b. Adjust dyno settings @ 23°C b. Adjust dyno settings @ 14°C c. WLTC for warm up @23°C c. Pre Con WLTC for warm up @23°C d. Soak @23°C for 6-36h (forced cool down) until engine oil & water = 23°C d. Soak @14°C for 9h and natural cool down with no restrictions. Logged temperatures: engine oil & water, soak area temperature e. WLTC with emissions measurement f. Soak @23°C for at least 10 h with natural cool down. Logged temperatures: engine oil & water, soak area temperature e. WLTC with emissions measurement CO2 @ 14°C Cool down curves @14°C from Soak area (Test d.@14°C) CO2 @ 23°C Cool down curves @23°C from Test f.@23°C
WLTP – Supplemental TEst Definitions: Regional parktime: Typical use cases for soak time are overnight parking ~10-12h and daytime parking at work ~8h. Out of this 9h have been agreed. To give flexibility for the test facilities a tolerance of +0…2h is given. Regional temperature: Each region shall define a representative soak and test temperature. The regional temperature has to be derived from statistics taking into account the meteorological data, population and traffic density of the different areas within a region. On top of this a temperature offset accounting for the garage parking has to be added. For EU 14°C are agreed. Soak procedure: natural cooling down, bonnet closed, no forced cooling down Active heat storage: Active heat storage technology defines a technology that stores heat within any device of a vehicle and releases the heat to a power train component over a defined time period at engine start. Different heat storage technologies can be used (e.g. sensible heat storage device, latent heat storage), but have to be characterized by the stored enthalpy in the system and the time for heat release to the power train components.
supplemental test Family Validation The following characteristics should be equal within the family: - combustion process (two stroke, four stroke, rotary) - number of cylinders - configuration of the cylinder block (in-line, V, radial, horizontally opposed,…) The inclination or orientation of the cylinders is not a criteria - method of engine fuelling (e.g. indirect or direct injection) - type of cooling system (air, water, oil) - method of aspiration (naturally aspirated, pressure charged) - fuel for which the engine is designed (petrol, diesel, NG, LPG, etc.) - engine cylinder capacity of the largest engine within the family minus 30 % Provision for emissions control characteristics: - type of catalytic converter (three-way catalyst, lean NOx trap, SCR, lean NOx catalyst or other(s)) - type of particulate trap (with or without) - exhaust gas recirculation (with or without, cooled or non cooled) Provision for cool down and heat storage characteristics: - similar temperature of engine coolant of TMH reference vehicles of the combined approach families (CAF) within the supplemental test family (STF) after driving the respective type I test @23°C and soaking for the representative regional soak time @23°C. From the measured temperatures the average soak area temperature of the last third of the soak process has to be subtracted and the resulting temperatures should be in a range of [10]K (mean value ±[5]K) within the STF. - If active heat storage systems are installed, the heat capacity and the time for heat release within the family has to be comparable as follows: the heat capacity is defined by the enthalpy stored in the system and has to be within a range of [6] % (mean value ± 3%) for a vehicle family. The time for heat release at engine start within a family has to be in a range [6] %.