Objectives Goals of UEE Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a Flagship Programme of Government of India to support the states in creating, developing and strengthening the formal primary and upper primary school systems and filling gaps to achieve the Goals of UEE and implementation of Provisions of Right to Education Act, 2009; Goals of UEE 1. Universal access and enrolment, 2. Bridging Gender and Social Category Gaps, 3. Universal retention and 4.Universal achievement by providing useful and relevant elementary education to all children of the age group 6-14 years.
Major Achievements so far No. of New School Buildings constructed = 12 No. of Additional Classrooms constructed = 1399 Construction of Additional Classrooms in progress = 543 No. of Toilet Blocks constructed = 610 No. of Ramps constructed for CWSN with Hand Railings = 2319 Construction of additional Toilet Blocks for girls in progress = 161 No. of Out of School Children mainstreamed through various activities such as AIE/STCs and Dakhila Abhiyan =1.65 Lacs Training of all In-service teachers at Primary and Upper Primary level for 10-20 days (every year) through SCERT/DIETs
Major Achievements Contd…. All the CWSN enrolled in Govt./Govt. Aided/Local Bodies schools are assessed every year and Aids & Appliances provided on the recommendation of Experts. So far more than 10,000 CWSN have been proved Aids & Appliances. Financial Support is provided for Free text books to all Girls and SC/ST boys enrolled at Upper Primary level in Govt./Govt. Aided/Local Bodies Schools (for approximately 3.5 lakh children every year). School grant (@Rs. 5000/- for Primary and Rs. 7000/- for U. Pry.), Maintenance grant (@ Rs.7500/- per school) and Teacher grant (@ Rs.500/- per teacher) are given to all schools every year. House Hold Survey for Out of School Children including CWSN conducted. During the year 2010-11 and 2011-12 Library grants @ Rs.10,000 for U. Pry. and @ Rs.3000 for Primary schools were given to all Government schools.
Development of CAL Content for upper primary classes and operationalization of CAL Labs in all Government Schools. Development and operationalization of 21 e-Governance Modules for the effective Management of Educational Information System in Delhi under MIS Component of SSA. Other activities include: Organization of innovative programmes for SC/ST children, Girls, Minority, ECCE etc. for improving their retention level. BaLA initiative was piloted under SSA which was up scaled by the DoE in all schools. 28 Block Urban Resource Centers and 136 Cluster Resource Centers have been operationalized for implementation and monitoring of quality initiatives under SSA. Learning Enhancement Programmes (LEP) are being organized every year for enhancing the quality of learning. Community mobilization programme is organized at Cluster level for creating awareness among the community about the various provisions of RtE Act, 2009 .
Shiksha ka Haq SSA in Delhi, under the intervention of Community Mobilization, celebrated the “Shiksha Ka Haq” at cluster level with the involvement of all DPOs, HoS, DURCCs, CRCCs & Students. State level working group has been constituted for organizing various activities under Shiksha Ka Haq.