Montana Primary Care Office MHWAC, June 4, 2018
What do we do? HPSA Designations
Health Professional Shortage Area HEALTH PROFESSIONAL SHORTAGE AREAS A Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) is a designation, determined by the HHS Secretary, of a health workforce or provider shortage. A HPSA designation can be made for a geographic area, population group or health care facility. There are 3 types of HPSA designations: Primary Care Dental Mental Health Many Federal and State programs use HPSA designations in determining eligibility. National Health Service Corps and NURSE Corps clinicians must complete their service obligation at approved sites with a HPSA designation. Priority funding is given to clinicians working at a site with a HPSA score of 14 or higher, which corresponds to greater need.
Table 2: Number of HPSAs in Montana Montana has witnessed a net increase of 20 shortage designations since 2014 HPSA Type 2004 2007 2010 2014 2018 Primary Care 57 90 97 99 96 Dental Health 42 56 65 73 Mental Health 35 49 67 Table 2: Number of HPSAs in Montana The above table represents a sum of the different designations for each year including the geographic, population, high needs population, Indian Health Facilities, Federally Qualified Health Center, Federally Qualified Health Center Look -a-Like and Rural Health Clinics. Montana’s Health Professional Shortage Areas are located in all or parts of Montana’s 56 counties as follows: Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas: 46 of 56 counties (82 %) Dental Health Professional Shortage Areas: 29 of 56 (51%) Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas: 55 of 56 (98%) For a complete listing of Montana’s HPSA designations please visit
The NHSC The NHSC was created in response to the health care crisis that emerged in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s when retiring physicians left many areas of the country without medical services.
National Health Service Corps
BHW BCRS chart NHHSP NHSC NCSP sP NHSC NCLRP lrP NHSC FLRP S2S NHSC Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program NHHSP NHSC sP NCSP National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program NURSE Corps Scholarship Program BHW NCLRP NHSC lrP National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program NURSE Corp Loan Repayment Program NHSC S2S FLRP National Health Service Corps Student to Service Loan Repayment Program Faculty Loan Repayment Program NHSC SLRP State Loan Repayment Program
full time Up to $50,000 2 yearS The full-time program offers up to $50,000 in tax-free loan repayment for 2 years of service. With continued service beyond 5 years, health care providers may be able to pay off all their student loans.
Providers Providers receive loan repayment in addition to a competitive salary from their employers: NHSC-approved sites 1 2 Providers find a job at an NHSC-approved site Apply to the NHSC for loan repayment Then
Eligibility U.S. citizen or national Currently work, or applying to work, at an NHSC-approved site Have unpaid government or commercial loans for school tuition, reasonable educational expenses, and reasonable living expenses, segregated from all other debts Licensed to practice in state where employer site is located
Must be licensed in one of the following Eligible discipLines
Diciplines Physician (MD or DO) Nurse practitioner (primary care) Certified nurse-midwife Physician assistant
Dentist Dentist (general or pediatric) Dental hygienist
More Disciplines Psychiatrist Psychologist (health service) Licensed clinical social worker Psychiatric nurse specialist Marriage and family therapist Licensed professional counselor
1 2 3 How to apply? Review the Application and Program Guidance Find a job at an NHSC-approved site or find out if your current job is at an NHSC-approved site Apply online at loanrepayment
NHSC JOBS Center: Health Workforce Connector Job seekers search NHSC-approved sites, including those with current job openings Online site profiles showcase languages spoken by patients, services offered, patients served annually, optional photos and much more Google based mapping makes it easy for job seekers to find schools and other community amenities
NHSC Sites Below is an abbreviated version of eligibility requirements. Sites must: Be located in and treat patients from a federally-designated HPSA; Not discriminate based on the individual’s ability to pay, race gender, age, or sexual orientation; Accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Healthy Montana Kids; Post and honor a sliding fee scale according to current federal poverty guidelines; and Have been in operation for a minimum of 12 months prior to site approval. The application cycle for to become an approved site varies year to year. Sites have to be approved before providers can apply for loan repayment. See:
J1 Physician Visa Program in Montana Underutilized: 30 J1 slots total, 10 of which are flexible
Additional Resources: Indicator Based Information System (IBIS): PCO Website:
Brandy Kincheloe, Primary Care Office Specialist Questions? Contact: Brandy Kincheloe, Primary Care Office Specialist 406-444-3934