Practicing Science: Observing the Natural World of Matter


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Presentation transcript:

Practicing Science: Observing the Natural World of Matter Revised Aug. 2016 Physical Science Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter Grade 5 Quarter 1 Properties of Matter Practicing Science: Observing the Natural World of Matter Revised August 2016

Grade 5 Pacing Guide Topic 1: Practicing Science Benchmarks SC.5.P.8.1 Compare and contrast the basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases, such as mass, volume, color, texture, and temperature. SC.5.P.8.4 Explore the scientific theory of atoms (also called atomic theory) by recognizing that all matter is composed of parts that are too small to be seen without magnification. SC.5.N.2.1 Recognize and explain that science is grounded in empirical observations that are testable; explaining must always be linked with evidence. AA SC.5.N.2.2 Recognize and explain that when scientific investigations are carried out, the evidence produced by those investigations should be replicable by others. AA MACC.5.MD.1.2 Make a line plot to display a data set of measurements in fractions of a unit (1/2, 1/4, 1/8). Use operations on fractions for this grade to solve problems involving information presented in line plots. For example, given different measurements of liquid in identical beakers, find the amount of liquid each beaker would contain if the total amount in all the beakers were redistributed equally.

Practicing Science: Observing the Natural World of Matter What Is Matter? Matter is the material or “stuff” everything is made of. What are you doing if you are observing matter? Observing matter means to carefully explore all of its properties. Look around the room and identify some matter. What are some physical properties matter can have? Color, texture, odor, shape… What are two properties that all matter share? All matter has mass and takes up space. What are the three states of matter? solid, liquid, and gas Click on hyperlinks for content videos: properties, mass and takes up space.

What physical properties do all solids have in common? The particles in solids are close together and vibrate in place. For this reason: A solid has its own definite shape and definite volume. A solid keeps its shape even when it moves. atomic microscope Explore and Explain: Have students name some solids they can see in the classroom. Then ask what properties they all have in common? Ask what tool do scientist use to observe the atoms or molecules that make up solids? (atomic microscope) Why do scientists need this tool to see the atoms that make up matter all matter? (All matter is composed of parts that are too small to be seen without magnification.)

What physical properties do all liquids have in common? The particles in liquids are not as close together as the particles in solids and move more freely than particles of solids. For this reason: Liquids have a definite volume. Liquids take the shape of their container. Liquids can be poured from one container to another. atomic microscope Explore and Explain: Have students name some liquids that are in the classroom and in the cafeteria. Then ask what properties they all have in common? Ask what tool do scientist use to observe the atoms or molecules that make up liquids?(atomic microscope) Why do scientists need this tool to see the atoms that make up matter all matter? (All matter is composed of parts that are too small to be seen without magnification.)

What physical properties do all gases have in common? The particles in gases move freely in all directions. For this reason: Gases have no definite size or shape. A gas take the shape of its container. A gas will fill all the space inside a container. Explore and Explain: Have students name a gas that is all around them. Then ask what properties they all gases have in common? Ask what tool do scientist use to observe the atoms or molecules that make up gases? (atomic microscope) Why do scientists need this tool to see the atoms that make up matter all matter? (All matter is composed of parts that are too small to be seen without magnification.) Explain: Have students create a three part match book foldable to compare and contrast the properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Evaluate: Students will complete a three-circle Venn diagram, comparing and contrasting the properties of the three states. of water as a solid, liquid, and gas. Three States foldable Three States Venn diagram

Why do scientists use microscopes to study matter? Explain: Ask the question: Why do scientists use atomic microscopes to study matter? Answer: Using atomic microscopes allows them to observe the parts of matter that are too small to be seen without magnification. What do we call these parts of matter? (Atoms or molecules) Please note students will learn more about atoms when they study static electricity in Big Idea 10: Energy in Quarter 2.

Observing and Measuring Matter Center List as many properties as you can about that object. What do you observe about that object quantitatively? What are all the things you observe directly about….? Describe how this object looks, feels, sounds, and/or smells. Choose an Object to Observe Choose an Observation Type Thumb Pencil Book Desk Chair Penny Drop of Water Rock Shell Plant Leaf Flower Other Explore: Center Activity

Investigation One* Open up your bag of objects and place them on the tray. List each object in your notebook as you observe it. Use your senses to make qualitative observations. Write down words to describe each object. Use your measurement tools to make quantitative observations and record for each object. Look over your observation notes and put all the objects that share a property together in one group. Write down the common property. What word describes the object(s) left over? If more than one do they have a property in common? Now classify the objects into another group and do steps 5 and 6. Click on hyperlinks for content video: Investigation One to view a video on classifying matter by its properties. *Adapted from abpi Properties of Materials

What are some Properties or characteristics of Matter? Color Shape Size Luster Texture Mass Weight Length Volume State/Phase (solid, liquid or gas) Click on the hyperlink: What are some Properties or characteristics of Matter for Study Jams Matter video.

Investigation Two* Equipment Needed: lab sheet, container of water, flashlight, magnet, circuit (light bulb & wires & battery in a holder connected) Procedures: Read the test below and predict which properties apply to your group’s six objects. Then conduct the following tests using materials provided in order to identify which properties apply to your group’s six objects. Record results on chart. Compare predictions to results. Does the material change when dipped into water? (absorbent) Does the material stretch and then return to shape? (elastic) Does electricity flow when the material is used to complete the circuit? (conductor) 4. Is the magnet attracted to the material? (magnetic) Can you scratch the material with a fingernail, penny…? (hardness) Can you see through the material? (translucent -light travels through) Does the material bend without breaking? (flexible) Bonus: Try to think of a new way to classify your group of objects based on the test results. Explore: Get materials ready ahead of time for the student lab. Remind students to make predictions before they begin the tests. *Adapted from abpi Properties of Materials

Investigation Two Make predictions, test and then record test results on lab sheet chart. Compare.   Absorbent Elastic Conductor of Electricity  Flexible Magnetic Hard Transparent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. *Opposites Explore and Explain *Fill in an opposite for each property in the row above.

Match the Properties Being Tested Absorbent Elastic Electrical Conductor Flexible Magnetic Hard Transparent Does the material stretch and then return to shape? Does electricity flow when the material is used to complete the circuit? Is the magnet attracted to the material? Can a penny scratch the material? Can you see through the material? Does the material bend without breaking? Does the material change when dipped into water? Explain: Students can number 1. -7. in their notebooks and match the properties to the question being asked.

What can be added to the Properties of Matter List? Color Shape Size Luster Texture Mass Weight Volume State/Phase (solid, liquid or gas) Flexible Elastic Magnetic Conductor of electricity Ability to sink or float in water Ability to Dissolve in a liquid or solubility Explain/Evaluate: Students share any new properties they used in the investigation two.

Mystery MATTER (Show What You Know) Pick a small object that will fit in a paper bag. Make quantitative observations (mass, length, height, volume…) Make qualitative observations (texture, luster, flexibility, magnetic …) Use these observations to write a description including properties that will help others identify this mystery matter. Share your description with classmates and have them guess what your mystery object is. Explain/Evaluate

Mystery MATTER Connected Learning Choose a mystery object identified and do the following reflection: Was there a property that helped you determine the mystery object’s identity easier than other properties? Explain. Which observations were quantitative? Which observations were qualitative? What are you wondering now? Evaluate

Making Connections Adapted from abpi Properties of Materials What do we call characteristics that can be observed, measured, or changed without changing the object itself? physical properties They are the qualities about an object that do not change unless you change the material that makes up the object. Try out the questions below:   Would you make: No? What Property is needed for the material? What would be a good material? A METAL window? transparency glass  A STRING chair? A PAPER bucket? A RUBBER knife? An ALUMINUM magnet? A METAL raincoat? A GLASS football? Extend: STEM Integration What you make… `What property does it need? What would be a good material? A metal window rigid wood, plastic or glass A string chair strong metal A paper bucket waterproof metal or plastic A rubber knife strong metal An aluminum magnet magnetic iron or steel A coat from metal flexible fabric A ball from glass tough plastic or rubber

Investigation Four: Using the Engineering Design Choose an object to design: It could be a sneaker, a backpack or something else. Think about what property the object needs. For example: an umbrella needs to be waterproof. What else? tough, flexible 4. Decide on what would be a good material. Draw the design and label the materials to be used and their properties. 6. Be ready to share Elaborate: Alternative to try SC.5.P.8.1 STEAM Sneaker Challenge. It is available on, Elementary Instructional Resources, Grade 5, Quarter 1. Extend: STEM Integration

How does the Engineering Design Process work? Now let’s design an object Ask the question - who has done engineering activities. Get participants’ ideas. Ask how does the engineering process work? Elaboration: Alternative to try SC.5.P.8.1 STEAM Sneaker Challenge. It is available on, Elementary Instructional Resources, Grade 5, Quarter 1.

Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter Resources Common Properties of Matter Chem4Kids Matter: Fremont Magnet Elementary: 5th Grade Science Matter Review Discovery Education Fun-damental: What’s the Matter? Animation: Matter Reading Passage: What Is Matter? Video: Identifying Properties of Matter Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter Resources