All About Your Email Account Michael Gilman Senior Business Systems Analyst
Housekeeping Will be taking questions after each topic Everyone will be muted Can be unmuted to ask question aloud Raise hand to ask question or enter in Questions section Run polls now.. Then next section starts (SVO) Accounts Benefits Protect Personal Email & Privacy of Volunteer Improve Communication Align SCORE’s Overall Brand Critical for CORE Replacement Project Access to Multiple Google Apps Send Email & Record as Session in CORE (SVO) Accounts Required for New Volunteers Request SVO Email Form for Chapter Admins Available to All Volunteers Email Training Resources Available:
New Volunteer Onboarding Process Application submission/receipt by chapter Chapter review and determination Request SVO email address Chapter enters new volunteer into CORE as Provisional Welcome letter sent New volunteer logs in to Volunteer Center/CORE The document outlining the process I mentioned on the previous slide is lengthy (but it is important that you do read through it and understand it), however it basically breaks down to the 6 steps here. Applications received are forwarded to chapter from Raubia (Monday and Friday). Go to email address that your chapter has in “New Volunteer Notify” field in the Chapter Info page in CORE. Chapter Admins get copy? Ask Amanda 3. This is the point in the process where you would use the link to request new email I mentioned on the previous slide (show you what it looks like next). 4. Enter the new member in to CORE using email address as their primary email – this is the account where the SCORE Welcome letter is sent. 5. ***NOTE: No longer sending physical mailings for new volunteers. All onboarding items are now sent virtually and are outlined in the initial email they get. This includes their log-in credentials for the Volunteer Center/Training and CORE.*** (Will show you example of that later in the presentation). As of May 2017 ALL NEW VOLUNTEERS MUST have a account! You Must request the email account BEFORE entering the new volunteer into CORE When you do get the notice back from the help desk that the account has been set up you will want to IMMEDIATELY Enter the new volunteer into CORE using the new account as the email address.
Request SCORE Email Account Must be logged in as the admin
Request SVO Email Form
Chapter and Other Additional Contacts
Next Steps An email is sent to all parties identified alerting that the account was set up. Volunteer must go to and log into the account using their email address and temporary password provided. For training, please see articles located on About to start next section pause for questions
SVO Training at
Choose Appropriate Article About to start next section pause for questions
Benefits of Connecting Your Account in CORE Ability to send an email to a client and save your email response as a session automatically. One place to log in to see: your new mentoring requests All other emails (any new correspondence from either Headquarters, your chapter, fellow mentors, and your clients)
Connect to CORE Step 1
Connect to CORE Step 2 Scroll down and make sure IMAP is enabled.. If not click to enable it then click save at the bottom of the page. Now providing your chapter has added your information into CORE you should check your emails now… there should be a welcome letter waiting for you from our CEO Ken Yancey. It contains you CORE log in credentials. If that email is not there.. STOP and reach out to your chapter leadership!
Connect to CORE Step 3 Once you are on this Account tab.. Please take a moment to update your password. It is ok to use the same one you set your svo account password to. Then click Save.. Now come back to this page…and click the Email Account Settings Tab
Connect to CORE Step 4 Once done updating please be sure to click Save or Submit at the bottom of the page.
Connect to CORE Step 5 Now you can go to CORE Please log out and relog in using the new password you just changed it to. Then click Go To CORE. Once in CORE click the Emails Button to access the email account. About to start next section pause for questions
Save Email as a Session Note MRE Must be assigned to you! Click the Mentoring Request Button Click the email link
Compose Email Window Opens
Details of Automatically Created Session
Important Notes MRE must be assigned to you for the system to automatically enter a session for you Only your typed response is added as the session notes Email attachments can be saved with your session Flexibility – Add a new case, follow-on or non-session note directly from the email MRE assignment: We are looking into removing this limitation in the future About to start next section pause for questions
Access to Google Tools
Google Calendar
Set Up Your Calendar General Settings (Mobile-Friendly, Sharing, Views, etc) Learn More links available on pages Set up chapter-specific calendar From here you can set up all the general settings such as mobile friendly, sharing, colors, type of view etc You can even make an appointment with a client and create a video share link right from here. With this platform being from Google there are Learn More links on almost every page clicking it takes you to plenty of clearly written information by Google. ///From here you can set up all the general settings such as mobile friendly, sharing, colors, type of view etc. Google offers tons of help almost every page has a Learn More link to access their help screens. I strongly suggest that the chapter set this up under one of the chapter’s accounts. (you can always request a special one such as
Google Drive So simple to use Just drag and drop Has version control Can share and collaborate Each account has 30 gig of storage free So simple to use Just drag and drop Has version control Can share Each account has 30 gig free
Google Drive
Google Drive
Google Hangouts
Easily Conduct Video Conference Calls via Google Video Chat (Hangouts)
Google Voice About to start next section pause for questions
Groups (Distribution Lists) Easy to set up Same list works across all the platforms sending emails, calendar appointments, setting up sharing for Calendars and for sharing files in Drive About to start next section pause for questions
Available Resources and Support SCORE Help Site: Recent Tech Webinars CORE Training Resources Chapter Website Guides Email Accounts Help Desk: Email us at . Submit Bug/Enhancement Suggest topics for webinars and How To Guides