Op-Ed Assignment ENC 1101
Due Dates Once per quarter Submit all work in a folder with prongs or in a spiral or composition notebook Due: 10/10-10/11 Due Dates
What is an Op-Ed? An opinion piece Writer is named *You may use Editorials published by national/international newspapers and magazines. No author will be listed in these instances. What is an Op-Ed?
Where can I find appropriate Op-Eds? The New York Times The Village Voice The Washington Post Newsweek The Globe and Mail US News and World Report Harper’s The New York Daily News The National Post The Wall Street Journal The Economist Forbes Magazine The New Yorker www.dailyoped.com The LA Times www.headlinespot.com/opinion/columnists Atlantic Monthly www.opednews.com TIME Magazine The Chicago Tribune The Boston Globe Where can I find appropriate Op-Eds?
Now, what do I do? Pick a topic of national or global interest. Each article will be related to this topic. You will select 3 Op-Eds from a variety of sources. Op-Eds should be current. Nothing more than 1 year old without my permission. You will select 1 related cartoon. Now, what do I do?
For each Op-Ed… Put a copy of the article in your folder. Include an MLA citation. Write a one page response using the SOAPStone model. Include an analysis of the argument as well as your own response. For each Op-Ed…
For the cartoon… Put a copy of the cartoon in your folder. Include an MLA citation. Write a one page response using the SOAPStone model. Include an analysis of the argument as well as your own response. Compare the cartoon to one or more of your Op-Eds. For the cartoon…
And then… Write a one-page reflection on the selected topic. What did you learn about your topic that you did not know before? Did your opinion of the topic change or stay the same after reading these pieces? Why? Which authors did you most agree with? Why? Which authors did you disagree with? Why? And then…
All papers must be in a 3-prong folder or glued/stapled into a spiral or composition notebook in the following order: Title page: Name, quarter, period, selected topic Op-Eds #1-3 with MLA citations and responses Cartoon with MLA citation and response Final reflection You may also submit all of your work online (same organization requirements) through Edmodo.com Submissions
Group code: jdfs2x Edmodo.com