Getting underway with TeamSTEPPS…… Progress Report January 2016 UF Health Training Logistics FY16 Charles Crescioni MS RN Amy Blue PhD
TeamSTEPPSTM Goals for the current initiative 2015 to 2020 Strategic Plan realization: Build the preeminent experience in care, research and education Collaborative training across UF Health (Colleges/Hospital/Clinics) 2015 to 2016 – Plan and develop primary infrastructure necessary to implement and sustain future TeamSTEPPS initiatives at the Department level Improve care coordination/safety/high-reliability Build the Care environment to attract patients, caregivers, students in the future Team based care framework underlying transition to a “continuously learning health system” Develop a model healthcare workforce of the future HSC Colleges adopting TeamSTEPPS into curricula
TeamSTEPPS: FY16 Progress 1/04/2016 Meetings December 9th with David Baker PhD/Kevin Krane MD Quality Department/HSC Leadership/Shands Leadership Master Training Classes December 10th/11th - David Baker PhD/Kevin Krane MD (Completed) 47 students: COM-13, HSC-16, SUF-18 36 course evaluations: overwhelmingly positive February 25th/26th- Amy Blue PhD/(Clinical Instructor TBS) As of 1-4-2016: 14 scheduled (COM-5, HSC-7, Shands-2) April 21st/22nd - Amy Blue PhD/(Clinical Instructor TBS) As of 1-4-2016: 2 scheduled (COM-1, HSC-0, Shands-1) (TBS = To Be Scheduled)
TeamSTEPPS: FY16 Review of Course Evaluations: December 10-11 2015 class 47 Participants Six page Course Evaluation included in the curriculum: Overall Course Ratings (36 responding) Agree Neutral Disagree Was well organized, using scheduled time efficiently 34 1 Provided practical, useful information Used a sequence that facilitated learning 33 2 Was up to date in terms of current practice and issues 35 Module Specific Evaluations 35 responding (n=1470) Scale 1-3 11modules rated across 42 outcomes 1 - Poor, inadequate, did not meet, ineffective: 2 - Good, adequate, met, satisfactory, effective @25% 3 - Excellent, more than adequate, exceeded, very effective @75%