What was life life for African Americans prior to 1917? LO: To explain the experience of African Americans Prior to 1917 To explain why large numbers of African Americans moved North after WW1 DO NOW What do you know about the Civil Rights movement in the USA? Key words: Emancipation Jim Crow
HOMEWORK TASKS Read + Make notes on 2 of the assigned readings on historyapa.weebly.com
Theme 2: The quest for civil rights, 1917–80 In studying Theme 2 students will consider the struggle for minority rights in the years 1917–80, with particular reference to African-American civil rights. Students should understand the political, social and economic situation for African Americans across the period. They should be aware of the changing nature and pattern of campaigning and be able to identify relevant examples. Students should have knowledge of major federal civil rights legislation and an understanding of their impact, but do not need detailed knowledge of their passage or specific clauses. They should be aware of the influence of the African-American struggle on the search for non-African-American minority rights, but also understand the distinct reasons for campaigning by other minorities.
To get you thinking.. 20 Questions: What did Jim Crow symbolise? Why was this accepted by some African Americans? How did they resist these laws?
Why did the Southern states segregate public services? 10 Scripted questions – Nazim, Samira, Adrian
The experience of African Americans prior to 1917 Using pages 36/37 and the sources: 1) How could segregation become law in a democratic country like the US? 2) Describe how segregation affected African Americans 3) Were the Jim Crow laws necessary to the civil rights movement in the US? Explain.
Summarize Factors In pairs, discuss and explain how each of the following factors impacted the lives of African Americans The KKK Federal government Segregation Lynchings War BE PREPARED TO SHARE
What happened in the North? As a result of WW2 and growing industrial production, the racial composition of Northern cities was transformed in the twenties as more than 1.5 million Blacks moved out of sharecropping and tenant farming in the South. Chicago’s Black population increased by 148 percent, Detroit’s by more than 600 percent, and New York’s Harlem went from being an almost all-white neighbourhood to the capital of Black America in that first wave North The racial consciousness of Blacks who fought in a segregated military for “democracy” in the Second World War only to return home to brutal housing, education, and social conditions was decisive. The radical growth of an urban Black population in the post war era laid the basis for a class-conscious Black industrial workforce. By 1960, a greater percentage of Blacks than Whites lived in urban America, thus transforming the potential for labour gains and interracial organizing efforts.
What effects does that have on those living there, and elsewhere? Think - Pair - Share Why are big cities so commonly more multiracial than the surrounding country? What effects does that have on those living there, and elsewhere?
Why did African Americans move North? Using the Textbook and the Sources: Give 3 reasons why African Americans moved North. How was the North different from the South? How was it similar?
Draw, or write a reason for migrating North on the white board.