The Arabian Peninsula Chapter 12 Section 3 Pp. 347-350
Saudi Arabia Largest country in Southwest Asia Rub’ al Khali is largest desert Mountains of sand reach 1000 ft. No permanent rivers or water Oases
Saudi Arabia is the largest country in which of these areas? Question Saudi Arabia is the largest country in which of these areas? Southwest Asia
Oil-Based Economy Has major share of world’s oil Desalinization plant Has major share of world’s oil Member of OPEC (they produce 40% of world’s oil) Built desalinization plant
Spread of Islam Islam spread to cover North Africa, Spain, and almost to India By end of 900 A.D., Arab Empire breaks into smaller kingdoms Scholars preserved learning of ancient Greeks and Romans
Who preserved the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans? Question Who preserved the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans? Arab scholars
Saudi People Today 1932, Saud family unifies the country Most live in towns and villages along Persian Gulf or around oases Islamic law and role of women restricted Black Stone of Makkah
Persian Gulf States Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates Once were pearl divers, fishers, and camel herders Now, they have lots of oil and a high standard of living
Oman and Yemen Oman is mostly desert Oil, dates, bananas, camels, limestone, copper Yemen has coastal plains and inland mountains No oil; farming, sheep and cattle Coffee fields in Yemen