Enrolling in Classes using Tiger Center
Tiger Center Everything you need to do to enroll in classes can be done in Tiger Center - an alternative to SIS that was designed and developed by students for students in ITS’ Student IT Office (SITO) Anything you put in your cart in Tiger Center will be instantly reflected in SIS and vice-versa Login at https://tigercenter.rit.edu
Tiger Center Landing Page When you go to tigercenter.rit.edu you will be brought to this landing page. You can login by clicking the green RIT Student Login button near the top of the page.
Tiger Center Homepage This is your current schedule. The download button at the bottom will allow you to download an iCal file to add to your google calendar.
Tiger Center Homepage Here, you can also change the schedule view to see different semesters that you may have a schedule in.
Tiger Center Homepage Scrolling down will show more information like your advisors, holds, enrollment dates. Clicking on orange text will activate events such as opening an email to your advisor or showing a location on RIT’s map.
Tiger Center Search To access Class Search, start by clicking the menu button and then click the Class Search link. Note that your UID is also shown at the top of this bar in case you ever need it! Better way to show menu Disclaimer: The menu color has been altered for this presentation
Tiger Center Search Type in whatever you want to look for. In this example, we will be using “Psychology”. Then click search.
Tiger Center Search Here you will see the results of your search. All of these classes have psychology in the name, class code, or description. Highlighted, you can see the ability to switch between semesters and filter your results based on times and days.
Tiger Center Search Clicking on any class will show you all the details of that class. This includes, description, times/days, what perspectives it counts towards, and much more. Highlighted, you can see our compatibility feature to see if it conflicts with your schedule or classes in your cart, the waitlist button, and finally the ability to add it to your cart
Tiger Center Enrollment Enrollment is as easy to access as search was. Just click on the menu button, and then click “Cart” under enrollment. Better menu display Disclaimer: The menu color has been altered for this presentation
Tiger Center Enrollment The first thing on the screen you’ll see is your class schedule. Highlighted is the dropdown that will allow you to change the semester you are currently viewing. Here, you’ll be able to drop or swap classes. Show drop and swap
Tiger Center Enrollment Scrolling down will show you your shopping cart. Here, you can validate and enroll in classes. This process will happen on the same page instead of taking you to different pages. Show clean validate and successful enroll
Tiger Center Enrollment As you can see, after clicking the validate button, we got a few errors! These are shown on the same page. Need to show ‘clean’ validation, successful enrollment
Tiger Center Enrollment Fixing these errors will give you a green box to tell you that you can enroll successfully!
Tiger Center Thank you for using Tiger Center! We add new features every semester so we want your feedback – what do you wish Tiger Center could do that it doesn’t today? Let us know at sito@rit.edu