UNLIMITED GOVERNMENTS A government’s power is not limited. The leader’s do not have to follow the laws like everyone else.
LIMITED GOVERNMENTS The government’s power is limited by law. Everyone, including the leaders, must obey the laws.
DIFFLEFREE DIFFLEFORCE In Difflefree, citizens are encouraged to participate in government by voting in elections. Those who disagree with the government are encouraged to express their opinions and even work to remove anyone from office that they think is doing a poor job. Editorials about the government are frequently on television and in Difflefree’s newspapers and magazines. Diffleforce’s government is a dictatorship. Instead of being elected, the leader of Diffleforce took over the government by forcing out the old president. He makes all decisions about the country on his own. Editorials about the government are not allowed on television or in any newspapers or magazines. Diffleforce’s leader also refuses to hold elections or to meet with citizens who are unhappy about his leadership.
Unlimited vs. Limited Unlimited (dictatorship) Limited (democracy) Ruler has unlimited power Court decisions made by dictator (punished in cruel ways) Force officials out Cancel elections Only removed from power by force or choice Citizens have NO voice Editorials not allowed Forced to follow rules and cannot disagree Limited (democracy) Government power is limited with rules and laws Fair trials Encourage citizens to vote Leaders can be removed Several leaders in power Freely state opinions Editorials allowed (TV, Newspaper, magazine
ANARCHY Anarchy is the type of government where there is no government at all. Every person is left to fight for themselves. People must continue to live through farming on their own land, find water, and build a home on their own. No one tells you what to do and there is no voting. This type of government usually ends up in people fighting over food, water, land and other things. There is no police to keep the peace.
TOTALITARIANISM The essence of totalitarianism can be found in its very name; it is a form of rule in which the government attempts to maintain 'total' control over society, including all aspects of the public and private lives of its citizens. There are several characteristics that are common to totalitarian regimes, including: Rule by a single party Total control of the military Total control over means of communication (such as newspapers, propaganda, etc?) Police control with the use of terror as a control tactic Control of the economy
OLIGARCHY Oligarchy means the rule of the few, and those few are generally the people who are richer and more powerful than the others, what you might call the aristocrats or the nobles. Sometimes they may be elected, and sometimes they are born into their position, and at other times you might have to have a certain amount of money or land in order to be in the council. Then this group of people meets to decide important questions, and to appoint somebody to deal with things. They might decide that it should be illegal to steal, and then they would appoint one of the nobles to be a judge, and decide if people were guilty of stealing, and decide what to do with them if they were.
Constitutional Monarchy – king/queen is just a symbol of the country because the citizens actually vote for their leaders!
Brain Pop - monarchy https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/famoushistoricalfigures/queenelizabethi/
Brain pop - democracy https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/worldhistory/democracy/
Brain Pop – roman republic https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/worldhistory/romanrepublic/
Which type of government? Leader Wilson came into power of her country by taking over the current government by force with the help of her personal army and followers. She rules her country with absolute control and doesn’t listen to the opinions of her citizens and the laws that were passed before she was the leader.
Which type of government? King Hacker represents the country of EMS, but he doesn’t make the laws, decisions, or taxes of the country. He is just a symbol of the country because the citizens of EMS vote for their leaders. There are many leaders in the government that vote and debate on laws, taxes, and court cases.
Which type of government? The citizens of the country of 6-1 have not been pleased with their government because the citizens are ruled by the wealthy leaders of Herr, Wilson, and Young. The majority of the citizens don’t get an opinion or vote in the government. The 3 leaders make up all of the laws and tax the citizens whatever amount they want. If a citizen wants to be a part of the government they have to be very wealthy to even have a chance because there are so few of citizens that make up the government.
Which type of government? The Racer citizens were tired of Leader Hacker controlling their government so they overthrew him with the help of army generals Young, Wilson, and Herr. Now the country doesn’t have a government to rule the country.
Brain Pop - continents https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/geography/continentsoftheworld/