Portability Updates to the Process and Regulatory Changes


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Presentation transcript:

Portability Updates to the Process and Regulatory Changes Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Portability Updates to the Process and Regulatory Changes 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Portability Voucher may be used to lease unit anywhere an agency is operating HCV program Allows movement from one jurisdiction to another PHA that issues the voucher is the “initial PHA” PHA the receives the voucher is the “receiving PHA” 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Portability- continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Portability- continued The term “portability” refers to the process of leasing a dwelling unit with tenant-based housing voucher assistance outside of the jurisdiction of the PHA that initially issues the family its voucher (the initial PHA). 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Portability- here to stay in some fashion One of the key features of the HCV program is the mobility of the assistance. Regulations at 24 CFR § 982.353 provide that HCV participants may choose a unit that meets program requirements anywhere in the United States, provided that a PHA administering the tenant-based program has jurisdiction over the area in which the unit is located. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Fair Housing Provisions PHAs must administer their HCV program in compliance with all applicable fair housing and other civil rights requirements, including the authorities cited at 24 CFR § 5.105(a). This includes, but is not limited to, the Fair Housing Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, titles II or III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and HUD’s Equal Access Rule. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Fair Housing Provisions Under the July 16, 2015 revision, the PHA’s certification that it will affirmatively further fair housing requires that it will (1) take meaningful actions to further the goals identified in its AFH, (2) that it will take no action that is materially inconsistent with its obligation to affirmatively further fair housing, and (3) that it will address fair housing issues and contributing factors in its programs, in accordance with 24 CFR 903.7(o)(3). 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Reasonable Accommodation Notwithstanding any other provision of PIH 2016-9, PHAs must consider requests for reasonable accommodations that are necessary for a qualified individual with a disability to benefit from the program (in accordance with the Fair Housing Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and HUD’s implementing regulations at 24 CFR 100.204, 24 CFR 8.33, and 28 CFR 35.130). 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Example of Reasonable Accommodation An individual with a disability can request a reasonable accommodation to any rules, policies, practices or services at any time. This may arise, for example, when a request to move is due to a disability of a family member. This provision applies even if a family might otherwise be restricted from moving (e.g., under a “one move per year” policy or because of insufficient funding). The reasonable accommodation determination is made on a case-by-case basis. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

May need HUD Approval in Certain Cases In cases where the limitation on portability is a discretionary policy of the PHA, the PHA must grant the accommodation unless doing so would impose an undue financial and administrative burden to the PHA. In cases where the limitation on portability is compelled by regulation, the PHA must first assess whether the requested accommodation would impose an undue financial and administrative burden. If this assessment confirms no undue burden, the PHA must request a waiver of the regulatory provision from HUD. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Requests for an Extension With respect to voucher extensions of time, both receiving and initial PHAs should consider that individuals with disabilities and families that include a member with a disability may require additional time to locate a suitable unit. Such households may also request an extension of time as a reasonable accommodation. Reasonable accommodation requests could also be made in the following areas: requesting that specific receiving PHA policies are provided to the family under the explanation of how portability works, requesting additional details about a receiving PHA when selecting the receiving PHA, and requesting a larger unit size. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

New Guidance on Portability Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 New Guidance on Portability PIH 2008-43, 20011-3, 2011-65, 2012-4, 2012-42, 2015-6 and the latest is 2016-9 Reinforced the deadlines for PHA reporting to each other, 50058 transmissions Reinforced extensions Changed program requirements on briefing information and opportunity areas Requirements on late billings Outlined procedures to transfer units Penalties and enforcement Authority to deny ports under limited circumstances Portability allowed in the HCV Homeownership Program 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar Family Briefing PHAs must explain the advantages of living in areas with low concentrations of low income families be provided to all families PHAs must provide this explanation as part of the oral briefing and the information packet. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar Family Briefing PHAs must explain how portability works to all families. PHAs must provide information on how portability may affect the family’s assistance through rescreening, changes in subsidy standards and payment standards, and any other elements of the portability process which may affect the family’s assistance. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar Family Briefing PHAs must provide a list of landlords known to the PHA who may be willing to lease a unit to the family or other resources (e.g., newspapers, organizations, online search tools) known to the PHA that may assist the family in locating a unit. PHAs must ensure that the list of landlords or other resources covers areas outside of poverty or minority concentration. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar Family Briefing PHAs must provide materials (e.g. brochures) on how to select a unit and any additional information on selecting a unit that HUD provides. PHAs must provide any HUD provided information on selecting a unit as part of the oral briefing and the information packet. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Mandatory Voucher Term Suspension PHAs must suspend the term of the voucher. Suspension starts when the family submits a request for tenancy approval and ends when the PHA notifies the family in writing whether the request has been approved or denied. Must do tolling- revise the Admin Plan 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Nonresident Applicants The initial PHA approves the portability move during the 12-month period for a nonresident applicant family. Initial makes that determination- no rescreening on the receiving for nonresident determination 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Move with Continued Tenant-Based Assistance 24 CFR 982.314 was redesignated as 24 CFR 982.354. The PHA may deny permission to move if the PHA does not have sufficient funding for continued assistance. The PHA must provide written notification to the local HUD Office within 10 business days of determining it is necessary to deny moves to a higher- cost unit based on insufficient funding. PHA policies on family moves must be consistent with civil rights laws and regulations. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Portability Administration- Requirement to Administer Assistance A receiving PHA cannot refuse to assist incoming portable families or direct them to another neighboring PHA for assistance. HUD may determine in certain instances that a PHA is not required to accept incoming portable families, such as a PHA in a declared disaster area. However, the PHA must have approval in writing from HUD before refusing any incoming portable families. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Portability Administration – Family Chooses the Receiving PHA The initial PHA provides the family with the contact information for the receiving PHAs and the family chooses the receiving PHA. The family may request the initial PHA to choose the receiving PHA if that is the family’s preference. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Portability Administration – Determining Eligibility to Move The initial PHA must determine the family’s eligibility to move in accordance with §982.353 and §982.354 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Portability Administration – Contacting the Receiving PHA The initial PHA must contact the receiving PHA prior to approving the family’s request to move to determine if the receiving PHA will bill or absorb. The receiving PHA must respond to the initial PHA’s request in writing. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Portability Administration – Deciding to Absorb If the receiving PHA notifies the initial PHA that it will absorb the voucher, it cannot reverse its decision at a later date without consent of the initial PHA. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Portability Administration – Initial PHA Documents The initial PHA must include form HUD-52665 as part of the documents that the initial PHA sends the receiving PHA for a ported family. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Portability Administration – Receiving PHA’s Voucher Term The receiving PHA must issue a voucher to the ported family that does not expire before 30 calendar days from the expiration date of the initial PHA’s voucher. The receiving PHA must contact the initial PHA if the family’s voucher expires before the family arrives at the receiving PHA, to determine whether the initial PHA will extend the voucher. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Portability Administration – Receiving PHA Extensions The receiving PHA must notify the initial PHA of any extensions granted to the term of the voucher. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Portability Administration – Administrative Fees The initial PHA must reimburse the receiving PHA for the lesser of 80% of the initial PHA’s administrative fee or 100% of the receiving PHA’s administrative fee. If administrative fees are prorated for the HCV program due to insufficient administrative fee funding, the proration will apply to the amount of the administrative fee for which the receiving PHA may bill the initial PHA. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Portability Administration – Special Purpose Vouchers (SPVs) The initial PHA must submit any SPV codes for the Family Report (HUD- 50058). The receiving PHA must maintain such codes as long as it is billing for the ported voucher. Initial and receiving PHAs must administer SPVs in accordance with HUD- established policy in cases where HUD has established alternative program requirements of such SPVs. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

Briefing Process- additional conditions The provisions include the requirement to provide as part of both the oral briefing and the information packet: (1) an explanation of the advantages of areas with low concentrations of low income families and (2) any information on selecting a unit that HUD makes available. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar

PHA Option to Deny Portability Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 PHA Option to Deny Portability Initial PHA may deny portability if: PHA does not have sufficient funding under its calendar year budget, and Family is porting to a “higher cost area”, and Receiving PHA will not absorb the port PHA must allow the port if PHA has the funds, the receiving PHA will absorb, or the family is moving to a lower cost area PHAs cannot restrict portability just because the utilization rates are low in their area 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Providing Family Information Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Providing Family Information PHAs are required to inform families Oral presentation at briefings Jurisdictions and opportunities Briefing packet contains information Maps Alternatives List of PHAs in neighboring jurisdictions Describes choices Lower poverty concentrations Job opportunities 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Providing Family Information - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Providing Family Information - continued Some difficulties Tight markets Have a secure place before exploring Voucher expiration Cost of moving Cannot render assistance in two places Receiving PHA’s criteria may be different PHA should inform family of the differences Some PHAs hold “moves” briefings to discuss the issue in greater detail 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Determining Eligibility Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Determining Eligibility Resident families new to program Eligible for portability if head or spouse was a resident of PHA’s jurisdiction at the time of application Resident is a person who has legal domicile Non-resident family may be required to initially lease a unit in the issuing PHA’s jurisdiction PHA has option to not make this a requirement or establish parameters Limit it to special needs- defined in Administrative Plan Document decision to avoid perception of discrimination 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Determining Eligibility - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Determining Eligibility - continued Regular admission family exercising portability for the first time must be in the application income limits for the jurisdiction in which the family initially leases the unit Special admission family exercising portability must be in the PHA’s income limits for the jurisdiction in which the family initially leases 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Requirements for Participant Family Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Requirements for Participant Family Participant family is eligible but only when Family is able to move out of the current program unit under the terms of the lease Family is not eligible if it moves in violation of the lease Initial PHA should review and determine eligibility and length of notice requirements Review family’s notice to owner for compliance Income limits do not apply to participant family, however TTP must be less than the payment standard of the receiving PHA 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Victims of Domestic Violence Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Victims of Domestic Violence PHA may not deny portability to a tenant who violated previous assisted housing terms solely in order to move out quickly because of fear of domestic violence or conditions under VAWA The statute further protects dating violence, sexual assault and stalking victims and members of their unit 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Denial of Portability Revisions Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Denial of Portability Revisions PHA can only deny if it has grounds to do so: Because of family’s action such as criminal activities, alcohol abuse, or failure to comply Family is a non-resident in initial PHA for 12 months Applicant family is not income eligible for area in which they want to initially lease 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Denial of Portability Revisions -continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Denial of Portability Revisions -continued PHA has policies on timing and frequency of moves and request does not comply PHA does not have sufficient funding to support move Move is in violation of the lease Exceptions for domestic violence Documentation may be required HUD-50066 Certification of Domestic Violence (Victim) 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Denial of Port Due to Insufficient Funding Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Denial of Port Due to Insufficient Funding May only deny if PHA unable to avoid terminations due to budgetary allocation Higher cost area of receiving PHA- higher PS Higher subsidy amount- more liberal PS for receiving PHA Must confirm that receiving PHA will not absorb Must notify the HUD field office within 10 business days HUD has cost calculator 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Denial of Port Due to Insufficient Funding- continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Denial of Port Due to Insufficient Funding- continued Cannot deny because the PHA desires to admit additional families from its waiting list Must promptly notify the family of denial Must promptly notify the family when funds become available 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Penalties for Improperly Denying Based on Insufficient Funds Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Penalties for Improperly Denying Based on Insufficient Funds Reduction of Administrative Fee of up to 5% for the 2 quarters following the improper denial Additional remedial actions as permitted by policies and regulations 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Initial PHA’s Responsibilities Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Initial PHA’s Responsibilities Initial PHA determines eligibility based on its admission policies Family is expected to inform initial PHA of intentions to port out Initial PHA must offer information on receiving PHAs in the jurisdiction where the family wants to port Decision on which PHA will be used is the Family Initial PHA must compare income limits of the family to the receiving PHA if it is the family’s first lease in the program. If the receiving PHA’s income limits are lower than the initial PHA and lower than the family’s income, then the family cannot be assisted in that area and would be considered over-income for the area. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Initial PHA’s Responsibilities - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Initial PHA’s Responsibilities - continued Addresses and telephone #’s of PHAs can be found on the HUD website The initial PHA must: Contact the receiving PHA to alert the agency to expect the family Email is the preferred type of notice Have a stock notice in the system Send the receiving PHA a complete Form HUD-52665, Family Portability Information Form 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Initial PHA’s Responsibilities - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Initial PHA’s Responsibilities - continued Portability Form has two parts Part I completed by initial PHA Part II completed by receiving PHA Copies of the family’s voucher, 50058, and supporting income verifications must be attached to the form Initial PHA may also want to send Verification of citizenship Criminal background information Last 2 landlords, if known 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Initial PHA’s Responsibilities - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Initial PHA’s Responsibilities - continued Receiving PHA may request additional information and if initial PHA has it in the file, they should forward a copy, subject to privacy laws for their state Receiving should calculated 40% once family finds a unit Initial should confirm 40% The family can select the receiving PHA if there are two or more operating in the area selected Best provider of services Most responsive to initial PHA Subsidy Standards, etc. 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Outgoing Portability PHA will want to monitor the outgoing ports PHA may keep a tracking log either manually or electronically Log contains the following Participant name Initial PHA’s voucher expiration date Receiving PHA’s name, address, telephone, fax, etc. Date Forms 50058 and 52665 were sent Date after the voucher issuance, when the receiving PHA must absorb if it has not billed for the family Date 52665 is received back informing PHA that family has successfully leased Indication from receiving PHA to absorb or administer Date that portability effort has come to conclusion 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Part 1 of HUD-52665 Date of Conclusion Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Part 1 of HUD-52665 Date of Conclusion Receipt from receiving PHA that: Family has leased and billing has begun Receiving PHA will absorb Voucher term has expired and any extensions did not result in a lease-up Initial billing submission must be within 60 days following expiration of the voucher If initial has not received- contact receiving to determine if they will honor late billing 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Date of Conclusion- continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Date of Conclusion- continued If receiving reports not under HAP- initial may inform receiving that it will not accept billing Receiving may absorb HUD may penalize receiving PHA by reducing administrative fees May also transfer units 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Receiving PHA’s Responsibilities Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Receiving PHA’s Responsibilities Issues the port voucher holder a new housing choice voucher Expiration date can be no less than 30 calendar dys from the new expiration date of the initial PHA’s voucher Receiving PHA’s policies are used for Extensions Request for lease approval Unit size for the family Must immediately inform initial PHA as to whether it will Absorb Administer the voucher 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Receiving PHA’s Responsibilities - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Receiving PHA’s Responsibilities - continued If administering the voucher, must immediately inform the initial PHA of Extensions of voucher term Changes of the unit size Payment standards Lease-up The payment standard that will be used to search will be the receiving PHA’s standard 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Timing of Initial and Subsequent Billing Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Timing of Initial and Subsequent Billing Initial must pay the first billing due in 30 calendar days Payments after that are due no later than 5th working day HUD encourages cooperation between PHAs HUD may transfer funds HUD may transfer units Initial may not terminate or delay payment due to over-leasing 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Portability Billing Receiving PHA responsible for Part II of HUD 52665 and sending it back (1) within 10 days of the HAP execution and (2) in a time that it will be received no later than 60 days following the expiration date of the voucher by the initial PHA Copy of 50058 and related income verifications are attached Payment for the first bill- within 30 days of receipt of Part II HUD-52665 Payments thereafter- fifth working day of each month Receiving must notify initial PHA of changes within 10 working days following the date of the change 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Portability Billing - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Portability Billing - continued Initial PHA is eligible for preliminary fee if it is a new increment Fee amounts are identified in the Federal Register No special fees can be assessed at this time 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Portability Billing - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Portability Billing - continued PHAs may contact HUD to resolve billing issues PHAs are encouraged to resolve differences without using HUD HUD may reduce administrative fees and sanctions on the initial PHA HUD can issue sanctions on PHAs that are not in compliance with portability requirements 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Decision to Administer or Absorb Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Decision to Administer or Absorb Receiving PHA has the option to administer or absorb If administer Housing assistance comes from the initial PHA Receiving PHA bills the initial PHA for Full amount of housing assistance 80% or 100% of the ongoing administrative fee, whichever applies 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Decision to Administer or Absorb - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Decision to Administer or Absorb - continued Factors a receiving PHA may want to consider in the decision Leasing rate Low utilization- absorb High utilization- administer and use its own vouchers to serve families on the waiting list Administrative cost of billing Absorbing generally more cost effective Proximity of initial PHA Nearby agencies have a working relationship Economy in numbers 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Decision to Administer or Absorb - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Decision to Administer or Absorb - continued If receiving PHA decides to absorb Uses its ACC to cover the cost Initial PHA can reissue the voucher Cannot revert back to administering If receiving PHA decides to administer Uses initial PHA’s ACC to cover the cost Initial cannot reissue the voucher Can revert to absorbing at any time by notifying the initial PHA Not necessary to wait for recertification or anniversary dates to make the change 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

VASH Voucher Portability Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 VASH Voucher Portability Special provisions Generally receiving will bill the initial PHA If VASH holder porting to a receiving PHA that also administers the VASH program- receiving may want to absorb 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Incoming Portability Log Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Incoming Portability Log Log contains information on: Participant name Date housing voucher expires Date HUD 50058 and HUD 52665 received Date of request for tenancy approval Date HAP executed Name of initial PHA Date of notification for billing Date 52665 returned to initial PHA Date all task are completed Log becomes the monthly monitoring on what has been completed and what is left to complete 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Family Search Governed by the receiving PHA’s policy Request for tenancy Voucher size Obtaining an inspection Leasing the unit HQS standards Screening criteria Extensions to the voucher Attendance to a briefing Reexamination of income 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Family Search - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Family Search - continued Receiving PHA can require family to participate in briefing, but the process cannot unduly delay the housing search Delays should be only related to verification Receiving PHA can add days on the expiration of the voucher in order to give family the full search time Once family finds a unit and leases, receiving PHA notifies the initial PHA by sending Form 50058 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Family Search - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Family Search - continued Family may be porting to more than one area: Paperwork must flow properly Receiving PHAs must keep initial PHA informed First receiving PHA may forward file and information to a second receiving PHA, but should inform initial PHA and obtain permission Family can also return to the initial PHA and request forwarding to the second PHA Any receiving PHA should not forward the original portability packet without the permission of the initial PHA 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Annual Recertification and On-Going Activities Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Annual Recertification and On-Going Activities Receiving PHA responsible for: Annual recertification Interim recertification Conducting HQS inspections Billing the initial PHA Receiving PHA must notify initial PHA of any changes Send copy of HUD-50058 and revised HUD-52665 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Annual Recertification and On-Going Activities - continued Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Annual Recertification and On-Going Activities - continued Either initial or receiving may determine it necessary to terminate family’s assistance Either can issue or conduct Informal hearing Termination notice If initial has issued the termination and is distant from site, informal hearing can be conducted by phone (teleconference), although not required If family is absorbed, receiving PHA conducts all the processes and initial PHA is no longer involved in the subsidy process 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Demonstration of Reporting Requirements Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Demonstration of Reporting Requirements A PHA with less than 95% reporting requirements in PIC may avoid sanctions if the PHA can demonstrate deficiency is due to: Leased units are inaccurately reflected in PIC due to problem in the Voucher Management System (VMS) Receiving or initial PHA is not entering portability information correctly into PIC PHA has not entered information correctly for a PH family that is now using a voucher- relocation, etc. PHAs should work with their PIC Coach to resolve 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Procedures for Transferring Units Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Procedures for Transferring Units Initial promptly notify receiving PHA of deficiency Copy HUD OPH in Area Office HUD may begin the transfer process Adjust baseline # of units for the PHAs 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Penalties for Receiving Failure to Inform Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 Penalties for Receiving Failure to Inform Reduce the Administrative Fee HUD may direct PHA to not use administrative fee reserves May be up to 10% of the monthly billing amount Further reduce for additional non-compliance for failure to refund overpayment Return of Overpayment Return the Administrative Fees collected in error 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

Updates to Portability 11/8/2018 SEMAP SEMAP indicator #7 measures PHA’s efforts to expand opportunities Measures Moves outside the poverty and minority concentrations Briefing results and process Policies on opportunity areas Briefing packets Maps Explanations of portability Contacts Opportunity areas List of neighboring PHAs 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar NAHRO Professional Development

D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar Questions??? Thanks on behalf of D L Morgan & Associates !!! 11/8/2018 D L Morgan & Associates Professional Development Seminar