Glater: lack of attention to research and results. Income Glater: lack of attention to research and results. Income.class differences. Adult vs student effects Bridges: education quality luck of birth
Social or biological construction Health Social or biological construction
What does it look like? In pairs: List the words: adjectives, feelings, verbs, adverbs Draw the images you think of To illustrate your concept Mental Health Lesson Plans:
Circle your positive terms or pictures? Are there any?
Health, Defined Complete: Mental Physical Social (environmental) Wellbeing
Sick, Defined Talcott Parsons defined the sick role: Excused from social responsibilities Not at fault for illness Responsible for: Wanting to get well Seeking and following medical treatment
How does this contrast with American values of independence & responsibility?
Sick & Labeled Medicalized Defined as physiological Treatable or in need of treatment Worthy of understanding/sympathy Progress to medicalization can be useful As can progress away from medicalization (homosexuality)
Sick & Labeled Stigma Disqualifying or discounting trait Reason to exclude, ignore or discount the person’s participation in society Can be used to justify discrimination Shame for the labelled person
Sick and Less
Social definition of sick Medicalization can mean NOT one’s fault or within one’s power to change Alcoholism: Disease or will power failure ADHD or energetic Depression or normal grief Lazy or Lyme Disease or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Mental Health Quiz
Commonly held beliefs about those with mental illness: Dangerous Violent Hard to talk to Unpredictable Manipulative Pitiful Enjoys the attention Incurable Should not be stressed At fault for their problems Should not speak about their challenges Agreed would be less likely to hire Less intelligent and capable
Why such perceptions? News stories Movies Television History – demonic possession
What mental illness may look like: Angry Peppy Poor grades Good grades Withdrawn Outgoing Sleepy Sleepless Defining Depression:
Social Epidemiology Who gets what? Distribution of illness by age, gender, race, class, neighborhood Centers for Disease Control National Institutes of Health
Who is more likely to suffer from depression Who is more likely to suffer from depression? Who is least likely to seek help?
Depression through time Ancient Greeks Accumulation of Black Biles or punishment of gods Early Christians Test of faithfulness by the Devil Middle Ages Melancholy a sign of being abandoned by God Renaissance Starts to be viewed as a physical ailment file:///C:/Users/Donna/Documents/9780387727127-c1.pdf
Modern Times 1800s Loss of community, technological change, increase individualism and blame Durkheim Suicide cause Anomie when society is changing fast, communities breakdown and there is a sense of normlessness 1900s Freud and Kraeplin talk therapy and less of a biologic reason 1950s development of anti-depressant drugs 1970s classification of mental illness, diagnostics, and treatments developed 1980s biologic reasons re-introduced
Stigma of Depression Mental illness = person unlike a broken arm which is PART of the person From Devil and god-curses to individual weakness Later a lack of individual motivation