Can I Be Good? Can I be Excellent? A rational look at ethics (the study of right and wrong behavior)…
What do you think it means to be good or ethical? What does it mean to be excellent?
The Renaissance c. 1400-1550 The educated of the Renaissance looked to the RATIONALITY of the ancient Greeks and Romans for ideas on how to think and act. They were attempting to pull out of the ignorance and the superstitions of the Middle Ages. How would a medieval person have known he was ethical?
Aristotle of Ancient Greece Aristotle, the student of Plato, had a great influence on Renaissance thinkers. His book, The Nicomachean Ethics, dealt with a way to be good called “Virtue Ethics”. It talked about living the “good life”.
Aristotle defined the good life as… Eudaimonia…a Greek word that means living well. He asked, “What is the best life to live?”
What do you think is the best life to live?
Aristotle thought… That the good life should build a person’s character and help create a good society. The good life was a life of practicing good habits.
What things can you do to practice being ethical What things can you do to practice being ethical? What things can you practice to be excellent?
Aristotle thought… That you should use your rational (logical) mind and not be controlled by your emotions. You should use your reason to avoid the extremes and find a moderate (middle) (excellent) way of living.
You find moderation (excellence) by… Rationally recognizing the extremes of deficiency and excess. Deficiency: not enough Excess: too much Practicing being in the middle will bring excellence. The practice will create good habits.
Here’s an example… Courage is a virtue…a good life would include that we be courageous. The deficiency of courage is… Cowardice The excess of courage is… rashness
Here’s another example… Honesty is a virtue…a good life would include that we be honest. The deficiency of honesty is… Lying. The excess of honesty is…. Hurting someone’s feelings.
Name some more virtues…What would be their deficiencies and excesses?
Aristotle’s Conclusions Practice the moderate. Find mentors to help you practice and learn. Remember…it is for the good of the whole community that you have good character.
Why would people of the Renaissance like how Aristotle came up with his theory of virtue ethics.