Welcome to our presentation about Mobility Management measures during the construction phase! Both of us work full time for the Swedish transport administration in Gothenburg and its region. C
We work to avoid this! We support building projects with ensuring pedestrians, cycle and public transport accessibility during construction in order to ensure the best accessibility for all. Let me tell you how! C
Optimazation of sustainable transport ”Hard” measures Improved public transport Optimazation of sustainable transport MM in construction phase includes ”hard” measures. Big difference with usual MM! A project can create a buslane for exampel or an extra bicycle parkingarea. Or open a new busline between relevant destinations. C
Measures for behavioural change Offers Information Measures for behavioural change MM in construction phase includes as well the ”usual” soft measures. Offers such as testing public transportation without costs for 2 weeks Of course, we get best effects when we combine! It is a lot about supporting projectleaders in new ways of planning and prioritizing. It isn’t neccessary to spend a large budget on MM offers, for exampel tailoring new MM messages for a small project is good. C
Our aim is to avoid this! We aim at having the best accessibility for all! It is the people that should get access, not the vehicles… Cars take a lot of space as you know. F
From study to built road Assessment of the need of MM MM study Cooperation agreement Planning of MM-measures Evaluation Implementation of MM- measures We assess the need of MM at early stage through a checklist for all projects and a analysis of MM needs for relevant projects. We synchronise the preparation of MM measures to the projects road-planning process. For relevant projects we work the a MM study with includes an MM measure list. We plan, implement and evaluation MM measures. C
Let’s look at our pilot project in the center of Gothenburg. It is part of an infrastructure package which has imposed MM work in construction phase. F
-10/15% The MM study for our pilot project led to the folloing MM goal: - Decreasing the number of cars coming from the east in peak hours 10-15%. Equivalent to ca 250 cars. A good goal, very focused and concrete. F
We will present now 6 MM measures run and financed by our construction projects in collaboration with the city of Gothenburg, the public transportation company, the region. F
I held a successful 1 hour Mobility Management training for the contractors twice. The aim is to highlight the importance of prioritzing pedestrians, cyclists and public transport. C
The evaluation survey showed All respondants thought that they would have quite large, large or very large utility of the training in their dayly work Good discussion on concrete situations and good with bycicle film The training includes a short film of a cyclist’s perspective about cycling in construction areas which was very appreciated. Let look at a short part of it. C https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5WGKRllXKY&feature=youtu.be
We want to show the bicycle film for 80 seconds We want to show the bicycle film for 80 seconds. Can it be automatically showed not to lose time? Link to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5WGKRllXKY&feature=youtu.be If you want to see the whole film. Come to our table or look on youtube! C
The training was appriacated. The film and concrete situations.
Let’s look at a new MM measure. We will soon lend 400 electric bicycles for 3 months to car drivers working next to our project area. Different infrastructure projects are sharing the planned costs of 100 000 euros. F
We are working with the travel behaviour of employees in our own organisation through a travel survey for all employees and workshops. Moreover we will finance similar processe for a few relevant companies close to the construction area of our pilot project. F
We are calling 30 000 households that will be affected by our pilotproject construction. We inform them about the coming construction disturbances and offer the possibility to test comuting with public transportation without costs for 2 weeks. C
Camille Delepierre Mobiliby Management-coordinator Investment– West region Gothenburg camille.delepierre@trafikverket.se 010 124 44 04 Felicia Falk Mobiliby Management-coordinator Investment– West region Gothenburg felicia.falk@trafikverket.se 010 123 91 28 Finally we want to thank you for your attention and remind you that the main outcome is for us to reach a good accessibility for all in Gothenburg and Swedish west region that is to say to decrease car flow by 10-20% during the extensive infrastructure Construction phase coming in 2016-2025. C