Homework Review
Homework review –page 167 1. War Brides move to Canada post war (women who married soldiers) 48 000 war brides came to Canada Many immigrants cannot return to Europe – many displaced persons were up rooted and settled in communities across Canada 2.5 million newcomers between 1945 and 1967 Rather than settle on farms, people settled in cities as veterans and families moved to suburbs
Suburbs – development of houses to meet rising demand Cheaper land in the areas outside of the city – people began to commute Suburban values - gender roles, “nuclear family,” consumerism and household gadgets Increased birth rate post war = baby boom - more manufacturing
2. Cars Everyone wants and buys a car New and improved from war technology Begins the shopping mall – variety of consumer goods can be purchased Car presents post-war values – technology advancements, personal freedom
3. TELEVIson Rise of consumerism Magnifies cultural trends Exposed to advertisements – attractive images and a certain desirable lifestyle New toys and products emerged
4. Teens more time! more money! Styles: poodle skirts, beehive hair dos, penny loafers, sports coats, v-neck sweaters, leather jackets Music: rock and roll
5. CRTC – Canadian Television and Telecommunications Canadian culture was largely immersed in American culture People watched American shows and listen to American music Some efforts to protect Canadian culture such asMassey Commission – investgate Canadian culture - NFB support Grants to artists and writers CRTC – regulates amount of foreign material and requires Canadian content?
Page 172 Canada needs to move from wartime to peace economy Federal-Provincial conflict 1. Transfer/ equalization payments? transfer of taxation powers to the Federal government and then the province will receive grants for social services Federal government would use taxes from wealthier provinces to provide for poorer provinces Gave Federal government more power over provinces
2. Why did the government want to provide Social services? Social services were necessary because people were used to Social Service programs acquired during the war and did not want to give them up Protect people from destitution/poverty/unemployment 3. Why did the economy grow? new resources and industry specifically oil in Alberta – 1947 Manufacturing in Ontario $$ for construction jobs Factories given incentives to produce consumer goods = factories are buzzing
3. What did trade unions gain during this time? Trade unions fought for greater share of the prosperity Wages rose 69 cents to 91 cents 5 day and 40 hour week Increased benefits such as paid vacation time
5. Megaprojects Trans-Canada highway St. Lawrence Seaway – links Atlantic to Great Lakes opens continent to shipping Trans-Canada pipeline – cheap way of transporting oil and gas
Trudeau Years + Teen Culture
The “youthquake” 1960s – people are calling for change Student movement, women’s movement, environmental movement, Civil Rights Movement Baby Boom means half the population is under 25 by 1965 Youthquake – powerful, youth protest culture
Youth culture 1. British Invasion The Beatles
2. Psychedelic Fashion
3. Hippie Culture + Protests
4. Protest Music
Anti-war Anti-racist Anti- capitalism Civil Rights Movement Feminist movement Environmentalism
Enter Pierre Trudeau - 1968 “A man of the time” Charismatic Dated celebrities Committed to human rights and a “just society” Believed government duty to protect people’s rights and freedoms Worked hard to make Quebec like a welcome partner in Canada
Homework Questions: reading Pages 177-182 Questions: 1-4 (no pictures needed)