Correct the errors in the following paragraph. © Presto Plans Correct the errors in the following paragraph. Did you no that the first call made with a cellular telephone was a prank. In 1973 martin cooper was heading up a team of engineers at motorola that was working to build the worlds first cell phone. Once it was ready to be tested he decided to ring a competiter. He called Joel Engel who was also trying to build the first portable phone at AT&T. Cooper said that when the call connected, he told engel he was talking too him on a portable phone there was silence on the other end of the line. know ? , Martin Cooper M world’s , competitor Engel to . There © Presto Plans
When you bamboozle someone, you fool, cheat, or trick them. Guess what these words mean based on how they are used in context. Once you have made your guess, look the word up to see if you are correct! 1. On his resume, Scott went out of his way to accentuate his best traits and skills. 2. The criminal hoped his disguise would bamboozle the police. When you accentuate something, you make it more noticeable or prominent. When you bamboozle someone, you fool, cheat, or trick them. © Presto Plans
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. What is the meaning of the following quote? Do you agree? How does it relate to your life or the world? There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. - William Shakespeare Considered one of the greatest writers in the English language. © Presto Plans
What age do you consider to be old? Do you think age © Presto Plans Click on the link below to watch a video clip. Respond in writing by providing your thoughts on the following question: What age do you consider to be old? Do you think age is just a number? © Presto Plans
Read the two examples below and determine what type(s) of figurative language is/are being used from the list provided. 1. When the principal entered the class with a frightening scowl, the room was filled with a deafening silence. Simile Metaphor Personification Onomatopoeia Oxymoron Idiom Hyperbole Allusion Alliteration Pun Assonance Synecdoche Irony OXYMORON 2. John was lucky to be alive. He walked away with only minor cuts and bruises when his convertible was completely crushed in the crash. ALLITERATION © Presto Plans