Getting Adjusted to College Life at Cedar Crest College Mary Alice Ozechoski
Getting ready for the Journey We are excited to welcome your student to Cedar Crest College in August 2018. In preparation for their arrival, we want to give you helpful tips that will help the transition easier for you as well as your student. Suggestions will be provided that can be implemented over the summer and into the fall to prepare your student for the transition to college life.
Getting ready: Summer Prep Take a close look at your insurance policy to see if it covers doctors or services in the Lehigh Valley. Know that if your student is not covered through their current policy, they can purchase the college insurance policy. The cost for the college insurance is $1,719. Although it may be an extra cost, we want to ensure that if your student becomes ill, they can be treated in the local area without additional financial burdens. Have a talk regarding values and behaviors as a family. Items such as credit cards, budgets, significant others and drug and alcohol use should be discussed before leaving for college. Discuss some times that might be helpful to visit home. We recommend that students plan to stay on campus over the weekends. There are opportunities such as Fall Family Weekend and Trunk or Treat for families to visit the campus. If your student needs academic or housing accommodations, reach out early! Please connect with Susan Barnes in Academic Services to help with the process before arriving.
Once you arrive on Move in Day You can move your students’ items in during Orientation on August 23, 2018. Please be sure to label your boxes with your name and room number. In order to move-in, your student will need to be financially clear by July 25, 2018. Parents will need to depart at the scheduled time in order for the student to begin receiving information for Orientation and to progress with their schedule. We ask that students have no off-campus guests during Orientation to have the opportunity to build relationships with the others in their group and/or floormates. While the transition may be a stressful one for your student, we would appreciate your assistance in allowing your student begin to identify resources on campus that can help them with this transition. There will be many activities during these four days to keep them occupied. There will also be trips to local stores during Orientation.
Student Employment The Student Employment Center is a helpful resource on campus to prepare students for the workforce. Make sure your student brings I-9 documents for Orientation. For On-Campus Employment Visit Student Financial Services, Financial Aid, Campus Employment Application Bring I-9 documents with you to orientation (August 23rd!) Strongly encourage your student to attend the Student Employment Fair: September 7th 2018 11:00 am-1:00 pm Tompkins College Center, 1867 Room
Getting Involved No matter what your student’s interest is, there are opportunities to get involved in all aspects of campus life. Athletics, Recreation classes, clubs, organizations, and community service opportunities are all available on campus. If a student wants to form their own organization/club, they can contact Lauren Condon and Fae Schrack in the Office of Student Union and Engagement. Research shows student involvement enhances the overall college experience and the development of transferable skills for undergraduate students. Getting involved also assists with making new friends and connecting to resources and networking with faculty and staff.
Getting to Know Faculty and Staff Faculty and staff will want to get to know your student whether in the classroom, residence halls or around campus. As part of transitioning into college, professionalism is vital when interacting with faculty and staff, and these important skills are transferrable to the workforce. For example, when emailing faculty use full sentences, not text language or emojis and remember the student may email the professor at 3am but may not get the response immediately (most offices respond within 24-72 business hours). Students should go to faculty office hours if they have questions or concerns. Students should also be mindful of their cell phones and electronic devices during class time.
Getting to Know Faculty and Staff Students will receive a syllabus for each course in the beginning of the semester which will outline all required work. This is their contract with their faculty. Unlike high school, most faculty will not accept late work. Due to the syllabus, students are responsible for: Completing reading assignments, papers and other homework before class Being aware of when assignments and homework are due Understanding classroom and attendance policies for that specific course Attendance is crucial to classroom success! It is important for the student to be contacting faculty and staff directly if there is a concern. College is a transitional period into adulthood, so Cedar Crest College highly recommends your students learn how to advocate for themselves.
Some parts of the transition may not be as smooth as planned Although your students may have achieved high grades in high school, college offers unique challenges. Resources are in place to support students as they acclimate to the college environment. Tutoring, Academic Advising and Counseling are some of the services provided to offer holistic support. The social climate is also different from the high school experience. Their friend group may change throughout the first year. Don’t be alarmed by that first tough phone call. They may not always get along with their roommate, but there are resources to help them as their RA and Residence Life. If a medical or mental health emergency occurs, certain documentation is required to return to campus. This college policy ensures student safety and success on our campus. Health and counseling services are also available on campus for students who need additional resources. Health forms will need to be submitted this summer to verify student health and safety.
As Your Student begins the Journey We want to make sure we focus on the positives. We are excited to welcome your student to Cedar Crest College and begin their college journey. We want to have your student focus on the lenses of positive lenses. The Secret to Happy Work