Electoral Roll Management System Welcome to the Presentation on Electoral Roll Management System A Brief Overview by Election Department, Government of Rajasthan
Existing System (Offline erms) What is offline ERMS Data entry /updations by concerned vender made on local system. Reports & EPIC is generated from local system. Computerized Data will be submitted to Deptt later on or at last stage.
De-merit of offline ERMS Software Bye-bass by vendors Number of mistakes carried out during the data entry Generation of duplicate EPIC number No Sequence follows in generation of Voter Serial No No information entered even then in mandatory fields Wrong information updated in specified fields Extra efforts required to identified the above kind of mistake and further correct them. No Data security Possibility of misuse of data couldn't denied Available Back-up may not be latest. No accessibility on applications received online (NVSP Portal).
Type of mistake indentified Electors name is Null or Junk Characters [80]. Part No is Null or Junk Characters [3]. Voter SrNo is Null or Junk Characters [53]. Section No is Null or Junk Characters [587]. House No is Null or Junk Characters [75297]. Elector’s relation type is blank [113]. Elector’s relation type is not M,F,H,O [22]. Gender is other than M, F, Third Gender [28]. Elector’s Gender is M but R-Type is H [9862]. Electors relation name is Null or Junk Characters [113].
Type of mistake indentified Age is less than 18 [126]. Age is greater than 120 [587]. EPIC No is less than 10 characters or Junk characters [65890]. Electors Photograph exists but ID cards No is not available [3323]. List of records where EPIC number repeating [299197]. Electors gender is female but relationship is F for voter age > 30 [297994]. Number of Sections having no electors.
What is Online ERMS Data Entry/updations will be made on State Data Server. Reports & EPIC will be generated from State Data Server. Validation check put on data entry module, resultant, No mistake possible during the data entry. E-Rolls data will be update simultaneously at the time of making the corrections for EPIC. No need of submission of Final Data separately because latest data will be stored on State Data Server. Voter Serial number & EPIC number will be generated automatically, therefore, required protocol will be maintained. Accessibility on Data will be available to ERO at every time Proper log will be maintain during making of corrections in E-Rolls and generated of PVC-EPIC.
About Electoral Roll Management System (Software) The Online ERMS (Electoral Roll Management System) will cover the entire process of Electoral Roll preparation for the state from Electoral Roll Revision data management to final Electoral Roll publishing. ERMS is online centralized database based software. It covers provision of data entry by vendors/ERO office and publishing of Rolls.
Stakeholders S.N. Stakeholder Role 1 ECI Policy and guidelines formation, Design, development of On-Line ERMS Software 2 Election Department Rajasthan Administration Facilitation, Training to ERO/Users MIS from Software 3 DEO/ERO Operation of software Electoral Roll Generation 4 NIC/RSDC Hosting of Electoral Roll Database, Web services for ERMS Back Up of Database Web Server maintenance 5 REIL, SLA Technical Support Services for ERMS Implementation Database preparation Hosting on NIC Server Application Testing Roll printing software development 6 Vendor Data Entry and EPIC Printing, Electoral Roll Printing
Key Features of ECI’s ERMS (1) A secure and robust RDBMS SQL Server 2012 is used as a back end. All the modules of ERMS are audited by NICSI empanelled agency. Using centralized database for secured and better management for various purposes. Date and time stamping is used for each record while updating database. Auto toggle option is available to switch between Hindi Unicode and English language.
Key Features of ECI’s ERMS (2) Each and every application (Form 6/6A/7/8/8A) received is digitized. Separate database is used to keep the data of Form 6, 6A, 7, 8 and 8A. Only ERO/AEROs have write permission on the main electoral roll database. Provision to print check lists for EROs/AEROs and BLOs at various levels. Facility to crop uploaded images if needed for better alignment.
Key Features of ECI’s ERMS (3) PVC based EPIC printing software is as specified by the Commission. Various MIS reports are incorporated as specified by the Commission. Photographs used in the software are binary data as a field. Date format used in the various modules is dd/mm/yyyy complied. A facility to sort voter list using House No. that may be customized State wise. PVC based EPIC is printed including photographs using data of main electoral roll.
Key Features of ECI’s ERMS (4) Facility to track each and every application using unique key number. Online search facility is available to search on the basis of name and EPIC No i.e. provided District and AC wise in English and vernacular. EPIC based search facility to generate voter slip on mobile.
Pre-requisites to use ERMS at Client Machine (1) 32-bit x86 or 64-bit x64 desktop system Software Software: Install DOT NET Framework 4 Install SAP Crystal Reports Install Arial Unicode MS Font (ARIALUNI.TTF) provided in the software folder Install Acrobat Reader (Above system software can be downloaded from internet and also available at google drive)
Pre-requisites to use ERMS at Client Machine (2) Application Software: Admin Module Summary Revision Data Upload Application ERO / AERO Application Roll Printing Application EPIC Printing Application (Above application software are available at google drive)) Broadband Internet connectivity Web Browser
ERMS Module Components (1) SN Module Name Description 1 Admin Module Used by CEO for admin purposes 2 Control Table Application (Master Data) Used by ERO to maintain control tables 3 Summary Revision Data Upload Application Used by ERO/vendors for voter’s data entry 4 ERO / AERO Application Used by ERO to approve/ Reject voter’s data 5 Roll Printing Application Used by ERO to print final Roll 6 EPIC Preparation and Printing Application Used by ERO/vendors to print EPIC
ERMS Module Components (2) Client-Server Application: Application would be installed at desktop system and the centralized database would be accessed. Web Application: Web portal, not required to install on desktop system
Control Table Application A web application could be accessed with a valid login id and password through web browser at URL An application used to Add, Delete and Update controls as Village, Town, Tehsil, Panchayat, Police Station, Post Office etc.
Control Table Application
Summary Revision Data Upload Application An application used to Add, Delete and Update the Electoral Roll. This application is supported by 5 prescribed formats : - Form 6 - For inclusion of name in E-Roll Form 6A - For inclusion of name of overseas electors in Electoral Roll Form 7 - For objection to inclusion of name in Electoral Roll Form 8 - Application for objection to particulars entered in Electoral Roll Form 8A - Application for transposition of entry in Electoral Roll. (Within AC)
Summary Revision Data Upload Application
ERO / AERO Application This application is for the Elector Registration Officer to approve/reject applications received through: Summary Revision Data Upload Application by ERO office Online NVSP portal Roles of ERO Assign Enquiry Officer for each parts of the AC for each type of forms received i.e., Form6, Form7, Form8, Form8A. After BLO verification, this application is used for either approving / rejecting cases. Updating records in the main database of electoral roll.
ERO / AERO Application
Roll Printing This module is used for the printing Electoral Roll ( Part wise ) with or without photos.
PVC EPIC Preparation and Printing ERO can create PVC based EPIC for Electors using this application. The main functionalities of this application are : - Generation and printing of PVC based EPIC for new voters in a pdf format. Generation and printing of PVC based EPIC for duplicate voters in a pdf format.
PVC EPIC Preparation and Printing
Printing EPIC
Advantage of on-line ERMS Centralized Database available for all election services Facilitates decentralization of operations Security of database as hosted in RSDC, database not given to vendor. Synchronisation of on-line database with ECI National Database Integration of Citizens services Data logging with user, date/time, node etc. Digitization of all forms – 6, 6A, 7, 8 and 8A, Provision to print check lists Facilitates PVC based EPIC printing & printing of various MIS reports Storage of photographs as Binary data rather than image files Online search facility Auto toggle option is available to switch between Hindi Unicode and English language Interfacing mobile number with Voters data
Door to door verification Architecture of ERMS State Level System Control Table Managing Electoral Roll that includes insertion, deletion, updating and transposition within AC. And printing of Electoral Roll including one or multiple supplementary list. Electoral Roll ERO Uploaded Bulk Export BLOs Door to door verification Local Machine Form 6 Form 7,8 & 8A = Database Electors
Implementation Status for Rajasthan The database for 200 Assembly constituency has been created, the data from traditional database has been imported for MR+S1+S2+S3+S4+S5+S6. The deleted and old record in case of modification are not imported. The database has been hosted on NIC Web Server at Rajasthan State Data Centre. The web services for ECI ERMS Software module has been hosted on NIC Web server as per guidelines given in User Manual. The Software for Admin Module, Summary Revision Module, ERO Module, Integration and Roll Printing Module, EPIC Printing module has been tested.
Road Map Ahead E-mail the Google drive software download link to DEO/ERO for software download. Installation of software at DEO/ERO offices. Training to ERO/User on operation of software. Regular Database backup by RSDC/NIC of ERMS Database.
Help All application software, system software, user manuals pertaining to ERMS are available at google drive. For any help contact could be made to CEO Rajasthan and State Level Agency REIL, Jaipur. E-Mail could be sent to rajnerms@gmail.com. Send details of your gmail address to attach/link it with google drive of Department, if not linked/attached so far.
Monitoring-Login window ERMS DASHBOARD
Monitoring – Report generation ERMS DASHBOARD
Thanks M M Tiwari Dy CEO (IT)