Helping Your New College Student Succeed TIPS FROM UCA FACULTY FOR FAMILY MEMBERS
A Welcome from the UCA Faculty! We’re glad you and your student are here! INTRODUCTIONS
First-Year Challenges Whether 18 or 50 years-old, new students are in transition New environment, people, schedule New responsibilities New expectations from faculty More independent work Longer timeframes “Adulting”
Six Areas of Adjustments for First-Year College Students
The First Semester Experiences August September October November December Fitting in, finding new friends First exams and projects due College expenses become “real” Balancing family expectations (holidays) Finals “crunch” and finishing strong Homesickness Time management issues Roommate and relationship issues Managing stress Managing time, stress, and tasks Adjusting the pace of new semester Lower-than-usual grades Planning for the rest of the semester Maintaining good health and health habits “Culture and expectations shift” at home Social busy-ness Accessing resources Getting into a rhythm Degree plans and advising Moving out for the break
Challenges of New Students for Faculty Our students come to us with a variety of Needs Goals Motivation levels Academic preparedness Communication skills Our students are “adults,” legally, so we must work directly (and only) with them FERPA
Supporting Your Student Parenting as “coaching” Hold conversations about their concerns Ask questions, instead of giving answers Encourage self-advocacy, persistence, and patience Encourage them to use campus resources
How do I Support my UCA Bear? Understand that there will be rough patches in among the good times (and help them understand that this is part of the process) Understand Counsel persistence and celebrate achievements Counsel Ask questions and hear their responses Ask How do I Support my UCA Bear?
What do you think is the purpose of going to college? Question 1: Why college? What do you think is the purpose of going to college? Unlike HS, this is optional …maybe Motivation and persistence will be key to completion What academic/career goals do you have? Choosing a major(s)...
Question 2: How will you take care of yourself? Eat breakfast every day! Get enough sleep Set an alarm that you will hear Make your bed and keep your room organized Know how to “say no” to distractions
Question 3: What do you know about your finances? Missed classes are money lost Students without books get behind quickly Part-time work is good; full-time work is too much Requirements of Scholarships, Loans, Grants Easier to keep up in class than catch up! Be wary of credit cards TUITION/FEES ROOM/BOARD BOOKS/SUPPLIES TRANSPORTATION MISC.
Question 4: How are you going to be a successful student? Prioritize academics Engage in your studies Participate! Use active learning Become a better student Attend workshops, use resources Read the syllabus/plan ahead Time management Put academics first!
The Syllabus Course location, days, times Required of all faculty in every course Course location, days, times Professor contact information & office hours All due dates Reading assignments University Policies: academic integrity, disability Course attendance policy
Successful Students Use Resources! Academic Faculty Academic Advising Center, Degree Works Office of Student Success (tutoring, coaching) Library Research Coaches Center for Writing and Communication Department of Student Transitions Personal Student Health/ Counseling Housing & Residence Life RAs RC and Commuter College Faculty & Mentors Disability Resource Center Financial Financial Aid Student Accounts
Question 5: How can families help? Explore the UCA website at Bear Book Student Handbook Undergraduate Bulletin Academic Maps Know the services and personnel available Dean of Students – for emergencies Office of Student Success programs Join the UCA Family Network (newsletter, facebook) See! Coach, coach, coach!
How can I learn more about the transition to UCA?
Summer Start Programs & Welcome Week Encourage your student to attend! Summer Start: August 13-17, 2018 Welcome Week: August 19-22, 2018
First one going to college? If your student is part of the first generation to go to college in your family, please stop by tomorrow’s FIRST2GO reception 11:30am-1:00pm, Student Center 213