“Social Media, Electronics & Mental Health”


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Presentation transcript:

“Social Media, Electronics & Mental Health” Hope Academy Clinical Services “Social Media, Electronics & Mental Health”

Hope Academy (HA) Clinical Services Hope Academy is a licensed Health Care Facility (HPC/HCF/107) in the Cayman Islands.  Community mental health center open to anyone from the public, adults and children, not just students from Hope Individual and family counseling, speech and language therapy, psychiatric and educational assessments, home and school support All therapists are licensed counselors through Council for Professions Allied with Medicine (CPAM) Youth and/or parents can self-refer by phone, email, or by Facebook message Specialize in youth and families

About Me Licensed Counselling Therapist and Canadian Certified Counsellor Over 10+ years working with youth and families in a variety of environments (educational, residential, vocational) Not an expert in electronics, nor social media but took a special interest in how youth and adults use electronics and how they are meeting our needs Surveyed hundreds of middle and high school youth gaining their input on the good, the bad, and the ugly of social media

How Are Electronics Changing Us?

Today’s Agenda The good, the bad, and the ugly of social media Researched facts about youth and internet use Risks of excess electronic and social media use Mental health and Electronics Boundaries and guidelines (for parents and youth) Some challenges to stay healthy with Electronic Use

Warm – Up Activity We Want to Hear from You The good, bad and ugly of social media/electronic age and it’s effect on youth from your perspective (Ex. “good – connect with people around the world” OR (Ex. “bad – I get addicted and lose sleep” OR (Ex. “ugly – hate groups or pages”

How is your cell phone changing you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6CBb3yX9Zs

Electronic Age It’s Not all Bad! It educates – answers to everything at fingertips Facilitates communication – updates, chats, etc Keep in touch with people, locate people Can boost confidence Increases social connections Claim your identity Entertaining – fun and amusing Discussion – Are there more positives not listed here?

Some Facts… Young people report 10-12 hours per day of screen time (not including texting time) Youth texting on average 3000 times per month We are part of a huge uncontrolled experiment that is yet to be determined all the benefits and effects

6 Ways Social Media Affects our Mental Health It’s addictive It triggers more sadness, less well-being Comparing our lives with others is mentally unhealthy It can lead to jealousy—and a vicious cycle We get caught in the delusion of thinking it will help More friends on social doesn’t mean you’re more social

Social Media Impact “My Social Life”

Risks of Excess Overstimulation Sleep Deprivation Distraction Low self-esteem Social isolation Peer pressure Addiction Cyber-bullying Develops or Increases anxiety Online risks and inappropriate relationships Risk of Depression Violent gaming could lead to aggressive behaviour Discussion – Are there any more you can think of? Do you agree or disagree with these points? Why?

Boundaries / Guidelines (Parents) Shutting down electronics (cell, video game, computer) an hour before bedtime Having electronic-free family time or meals Discussing social media apps and trying them out (open communication) Monitoring, privacy settings, net nanny, location settings, central location, role modeling good online reputation and behaviour, discuss dangers Limit time per day or time of day electronics can be accessed or where in house accessed Research and stay informed in online safety and engage your family to work together to stay safe Family Online Safety Institute https://www.fosi.org/ We have Kids :   https://wehavekids.com/parenting/social-network-to-teens  https://www.huffingtonpost.com/kristen-race-phd/6-ways-to-help-your-teens-cope-with- social-media-stress_b_4931490.html https://childmind.org/article/how-using-social-media-affects-teenagers/ Discussion - These are some tips recommended for parents by many sources. Do you as youth agree with these or not? Why?

Boundaries / Guidelines (Youth) Be your own person. Be nice online. Think about what you post. Passwords are private. Read between the “lines.” Don’t talk about sex with strangers. Avoid in-person meetings.  Be smart when using a smartphone. Don’t measure your own life based on what others post.  Discussion - These are some tips recommended for parents by many sources. Do you as youth agree with these or not? Why?

Social Media Effect on Mental Health and the Need to Unplug

Only You can Decide for You Some Challenges for You Do you ever unplug? Take an evening or a few hours and completely unplug from all electronics (phone, computer, tablet, and just be alone with your thoughts to reflect, contemplate and monitor your thoughts and feelings) Maybe even write some of your thoughts and feelings down to increase your self-awareness Challenge yourself to be mindful and present in whatever situation you are physically in rather than tied into an online world that can probably wait until you are done whatever physical environment you are engaged in. The text, response, like can all wait, but the class you are in, the person you are with or the meal you are sharing is time-limited.

Questions ? CONTACT INFORMATION Jason Jones Hope Academy Clinical Services Phone: 345-324-1386 Email: jjones@hopecayman.com Grand Harbour, Grand Cayman