Kenya Programme Oct 2018
Strategic Themes 1. Impact & Reach 2. Building Partners Capacity 3. Achieving Sustainability
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Partner Locations
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Support for village disability groups & individual families, including creating incomes 13 groups (over 300 people)
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Assistive technologies, prosthesis & orthopaedic surgery (100 rehab. products, 40 wheelchairs, 10 prosthesis).
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Advocacy and lobbying
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Tackling violence against people with disabilities – (3,000 / year community drama)
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach HIV counselling & Testing (about 1,500 people / year - 60% women)
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Support for people living with HIV including creating incomes
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Support for orphans & vulnerable children - & their carer-givers
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Early years education – (School for 70 pupils)
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Health information, knowledge & awareness – (reaching about 3,500 people annually)
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Mitaboni Special Education Unit Education for children with learning disabilities (currently 45 pupils)
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Thinu Special Education Unit Education for children with learning disabilities (currently 27 pupils)
Forthcoming Strategy Large-scale changes in policy or practice What Directly addressing the effects of vulnerability How Practical interventions & local lobbying Addressing the causes of vulnerability Dissemination of learning / good practice & advocacy for policy change Community Partners National / International Partners Experience & learning Large-scale changes in policy or practice Better lives for vulnerable people
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Short Teacher Training Course - Transition of school leavers from education into adult life
Strategic Theme 1. Impact & Reach Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities in Kenya
Strategic Theme 2. Partner Capacity 1. Programme planning and management 2. Specific technical training and support 3. Information sources and materials 4. Facilitate networking and partnerships 5. Marketing, promotion and fundraising 6. Build resilience, confidence and self-reliance 7. Resourcing
Strategic Theme 2. Partner Capacity 1. Programme planning and management
Strategic Theme 2. Partner Capacity 1. Programme planning and management
Strategic Theme 3. Sustainability Sustainability at beneficiary level
Strategic Theme 3. Sustainability Sustainability at partner level
Thanks Hopefully talk to Agnes