Roman History (A Quick Trip!) 2013
The Beginning Roman mythology says Aeneas, a warrior from Troy, escaped after the Trojan war and sailed to Italy. Aeneas’ descendants included Romulus and Remus, the twin brothers who founded Rome
Roman History is divided into 3 parts… The Monarchy (753 BC-509 BC) Ruled by kings Tradition says there were 7 kings of Rome: Romulus ---founder of Rome, raised with brother Remus by a she-wolf, killed Remus Numa Pompilius Tullus Hostilius Ancus Marcius Tarquinius Priscus Servius Tullus Tarquinius Superbus
Part 2: The Republic In 509 BC, King Tarquinius Superbus was overthrown. One of the rebels was named Brutus. The Roman Republic was born. 509 BC-27 BC Ruled by elected officials and the Senate Consuls were the highest official--- 2 per year
Republic Heroes: Horatius (500 BC) Legend says that a man named Horatius Cocles single-handedly defended a bridge across the Tiber River when Rome was under attack!
Republic Heroes: Cincinnatus (458 BC) Cincinnatus was a farmer who was called to serve as dictator during an early Roman war. He remained dictator only for 16 days, until the war was over---then resigned the dictatorship to go back to farming. He was a role model of civic duty!
Republic Enemies: Hannibal Hannibal was a famous Carthaginian general who fought against Rome in the 2nd Punic War (218-201 BC) He is best remembered for leading his troops from north Africa, across Spain, and over the Alps into Italy He also used war elephants!
Republic Heroes: Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) Julius Caesar was the most famous Roman of all time He served as general, consul, and dictator of Rome Military fame for conquering Gaul (France) Assassinated on the Ides of March, 44 BC
Cleopatra: Friend or Enemy? Cleopatra: the last pharoah of Egypt She had a relationship with Julius Caesar…and a son, Caesarion After Caesar’s death she had a relationship with Mark Antony, Caesar’s friend… 3 children (boy/girl twins + 1 boy) She and Antony opposed Octavian’s claim as Caesar’s heir
Part 3: The Empire After a period of about 100 years of civil war, the Republic collapsed and Octavian became emperor in 27 BC. 1st Emperor: Octavian, aka Augustus Long list of Roman emperors! Nero: “fiddled while Rome burned” Constantine: 1st Christian emperor
Matching Terms Senators Equestrians Toga Curia SPQR Highest class of citizens (aka patricians) Less status than senators Men’s formal wear Senate house Senate and people of Rome
Matching Terms slaves forum clipped beard fibula gladiator Some downtrodden, some not Market square Fashionable, A.D. 130 Brooch, fastens cloaks Could win freedom in the arena
Matching Terms rings fasces lictors procurator Provincial governor Worn by men and women An ax in a bundle of rods Official escorts Below governor Senator, commands army