ATLAS Student Portal Training Refer to the ATLAS Portal Guide on the Middle School website. This lesson should be done in a computer lab. It should be interactive to give the students hand’s on experience. Prior to the workshop, make sure students have a copy of their schedule and grades from the ATLAS grades portal. Use a projector and make sure it is connected to the web. This will allow you to show the students the grades page and othe aspects of their profile.
ATLAS Student Logins Your teacher will now distribute student login information labels Students, place your labels in your agenda/planner Important Note: This username and password is what you will need to log on to any school computer. DO NOT LOSE IT! The classroom teacher will assist in making sure ALL students have their ATLAS credentials. Make sure the students place their lables in the INSIDE cover or page of their planner.
What is ATLAS and why do I have to use it? ATLAS is Fresno Unified’s student information system. The Student portal is the website which provides real-time access to grades, schedules, attendance, and assignment scores. We expect all student’s to check their ATLAS portal on a weekly basis
How do I login to ATLAS? From School: http://go/students From Home: Keep the ATLAS Student Portal Quickguide handout as a reference to help you login and navigate through ATLAS If you are experiencing difficulty logging in, please contact your counselor or librarian. Guide students through logging on go/students. Have the teacher and intern assist in this activity. All will walk about the room and assist students with the log -in process.
ATLAS Navigation Enter User Name HERE
Now Let’s Check Our Grades! Your teacher will hand our your current progress report Using the students handout of their grades, review the components of their current grades profile. Have a discussion describing the components of the grade report. Review attendance as well. The expectation is that students check their grades weekly. If students have questions, encourage them to ask their teachers for help, go in at lunch, after school, or after class.