Qualifications Manager Quality Matters Donna Hughes Qualifications Manager
Workforce development Summer 2016 – Sector Review of Health and Social Care (including Childcare) published by Qualifications Wales Spring 2017 – 11 Strengthening Assessment events held across Wales for assessors of competency-based HSC and childcare qualifications 290 attended, all completed evaluation forms
Evaluation Distance-travelled evaluation discussions June 2017 - 22 participants Participants highlighted small incremental changes to assessment practice Most requests from participants for future CPD included ‘understanding quality assurance’ and ‘what is good quality assurance practice?’ Incremental changes- less narrative and more judgement focused observations, improvements to feedback to learners, improvements to initial assessment process. ABs contacted for their input relating to issues/areas for improvement- Lack of clarity and details with real meaning within QA strategies A need to focus upon holistic IQA sampling that reviews assessment practice as a whole rather than focus on unit by unit approach A need to understand the value and importance of learner interviews and practice observations of assessors Reports from EQAs/SVs that MANY assessors and IQAs lack occupational competence and knowledge Feedback to assessors is poor, lacks support, motivation, direction and clarity regarding areas for development and HOW this can be achieved
Purpose of Quality Matters events Continue engaging with the workforce Support the CPD needs identified by evaluation activity Continue to address quality issues highlighted in HSC report Provide a platform for future change-management activity Proposed future activity- fund a generic programme delivered across Wales through NTfW
Content of Quality Matters events Quality Control v Quality Assurance Principles and practices of Quality Assurance Planning and implementing Quality Assurance Evaluating Quality Assurance Providing feedback and supporting centre improvements Quality Control v Quality Assurance – from SA events the message from participants was that while QC is important that its focus had ‘taken over ‘ the quality processes and less focus upon QA as a result Principle and practices- anecdotally a lack of ‘training’ for new IQAs exists, many explained they role modelled others in their centre without understanding the principles of QA Planning and implementing- revisited sampling strategies and the importance of pro-active planning along side utilising the wide range of QA activities that contribute to an effective and robust process that encompasses the whole learner journey. Use of technology also discussed here. Evaluating QA- day 2 activity, the importance of critical reflection and evaluation will be stressed. Feedback- day 2 activity
Quality Matters - top 3 concerns raised to date Limited understanding, and use of, the range of quality assurance tools available to evaluate effectiveness and plan for improvements Limited understanding of what makes a good quality assurance sampling plan Poor quality feedback to assessors
How can internal quality assurance be improved? Discussion How can internal quality assurance be improved?