and Ideas during the 1920’s-30s


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Presentation transcript:

and Ideas during the 1920’s-30s Rise of New Leaders and Ideas during the 1920’s-30s

Contestant #2 I have a drinking habit and a defiant tongue or attitude Who Would You Vote For? Contestant #1 I am a womanizer, have self-interested policies and unfortunately suffer from ailing health. Contestant #2 I have a drinking habit and a defiant tongue or attitude Contestant #3 I am a decorated war hero, do not drink and want to create a stable economy

Who Did You Vote For? Contestant #3 Contestant #2 Contestant #1

Where do you stand?

What is your score? Now- think about: What is more important, individual rights or rights of the nation as a whole? In times of crisis, how much control should be given to the police and military in a country? Who should control the media (government or corporations)? Can a government that has only one leader be effective?

Totalitarianism Summarize in your notes by listing 3-4 of the factors below: Government establishes complete control of all aspects of the state (political, military, economy, social, cultural) Highly nationalistic (flags, salutes, rallies, uniforms) Strict controls and laws Military state (secret police, army, military) Censorship (opposing literature and ideas) Propaganda (media – radio, newspapers, posters) One leader (dictator); charismatic Total conformity of people to ideas and leader Terror and Fear

Totalitarianism When would it be useful?

Great Depression during 1930s Total Control of State by a Dictator Black Tuesday 1929 - stock market crashes Treaty of Versailles Great Depression during 1930s Totalitarianism Increasing influence of new political parties that emphasize state control -For example: Communism, Nazism, Fascism Total Control of State by a Dictator

Nazism Fascism Communism Totalitarianism *These theories, specifically Communism and Fascism, are completely different theories that are bitterly opposed; however they exhibit the same behaviour

Communism I am Vladimir Lenin, I led the Bolshevik/Communist Revolution of Russia and was the leader of the Soviet Union from 1917-1924 What is Communism? LEFT WING based on theory by Karl Marx revolutionary idea of a political, economic and social system that creates a “classless society” state ownership and control of the means of production (no private ownership) promised to get rid of the unfair class system and brought people “peace, land, and bread”.

Communism I am Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union from 1922-1953. What is Communism? Soviet Communism or “Stalinism”, was more of a totalitarian and military state combined with elements of communism Helped to fix Russia’s economic problems, lack of industry, and low agricultural output Was responsible for killing millions in order to keep control, better Russia, and fix the economy

Five Year Plans (1928-32, 1933-37) 5 year plans High quotas to increase steel, coal, oil & electricity It worked, industrial output skyrocketed But government limited production of consumer goods to meet quotas = Shortages in housing, food, clothing

Another solution… Collective Farming USSR seized 25 million farms Combined them into collective farms 100’s of families were living in one large farm No privacy, easier for government to control 5-10 million died Kulaks (wealthy peasants) resisted (They were executed)

Communism I am Mao Zedong, leader of the People’s Republic of China from 1949-1976, but I started leading the Communist Party in China in 1929. How was Communism used in China? Mao led the Communists in the Civil War against the Nationalists Tactics used: Sent opposition to labor camps Long March 5 Year Plans to get China up with industry/agriculture Government sponsored education with communist teachings Focused on a peasant revolt NOT a worker revolt (different than Marxism)


Fascism I am Benito Mussolini the leader (Il Duce) of Italy from 1922 to 1943. What is Fascism? RIGHT WING intense nationalism and elitism totalitarian control interests of the state more important than individual rights maintain class system and private ownership grew up in a communist family but founded the Fascist party in 1919 In 1922 led the March on Rome to seize the power from King Victor Emmanuel Interesting Fact: Fascism name was derived from the fasces, an ancient Roman symbol of authority consisting of a bundle of rods and an ax

Fascism I am Francisco Franco, leader of Spain from 1936-1975 How was Fascism used in Spain? Spain was a monarchy but in 1931 a republic was established, run by socialist and liberals (called “Republicans”). Spain was facing many problems, especially during the economic depression. In 1936 a revolt began in favor of a fascist government, led by General Francisco Franco. In 1939 Franco won the civil war and changed the government of Spain.

Japan’s ties to fascism Japan becomes an Imperial Power 1853: Matthew Perry forces the Japanese to open trade or face war 1868: Traditional government falls apart and the Meiji Era begins Sends ½ of the government to learn from the Western world They see Manchester (England) and realize the importance of Industrialization ½ stays in Japan Invade Korea

A new constitution is formed Japanese officials that were in the West learned about constitutions Took ideas from the Prussian Constitution Why was this not successful? NEW Meiji Constitution Emperor at the top Military answers only to the emperor (and in future will help rule) In the 1920-30’s Great Depression and Government Corruption lead to the military appointing a “Prime Minister” to rule with Emperor 1920-30’s all Prime Ministers are being assassinated so there is fear for a non-military prime minister to be in charge

Emperor Hirohito (Showa) 1926 Hirohito becomes the Emperor Grandson of Meiji Appoints Tojo as Prime Minister

Fascism I am Hideki Tojo, leader of Japan from 1937-1944 How was Fascism used in Japan? Tojo believed in the Racial Superiority of the Japanese people, especially over the Chinese. He was ultra-nationalistic as well as very militaristic. He wanted to expand the Japanese empire throughout the Pacific Rim. Believed: Invasion is necessary to spread culture and secure Japan’s superiority

Pan-Asianism Unless culture made it all the way up to Japan, the Japanese did not believe it was really “Asian”

Weimar Republic in Germany Post WWI government in Germany Technically a republic with democratic ways But… Very weak Unable to fix the economy Make it worse by printing more money Leaders that people do not support

Nazism I am Adolf Hitler the leader (der Fuhrer) or dictator of Germany from 1933-1945. What is Nazism? extremely fascist , nationalistic and totalitarian based on beliefs of the National Socialist German Workers Party belief in the racial superiority of the Aryan, the “master race” belief that all Germans should have “lebensraum” or living space in Europe Violent hatred towards Jews and blamed Germany’s problems on them Worked his way up through the government and gained the trust of the people until he was eventually named Chancellor in 1934

Mein Kampf Hitler’s goals/ideals: Racial Purity Aryans = “master race” those of Germanic decent, blond hair and blue eyes non-Aryans = “inferior or subhuman races” = Jews, Slavs and Gypsies Denouncement of the Versailles Treaty Lebensraum: living space, Hitler called for an invasion of Russia to allow the German race to grow The twin evils: Communism and Judaism, and he stated that his aim was to eradicate both from the face of the earth

Nazi Military State GESTAPO: the Secret State Police SS (Schutzstaffel): Defense Corps , an elite guard unit formed out of the SA SA (Sturmabteilung): Stormtroopers "brown-shirts" early private Nazi army that protected leaders and opposed rival political parties Lebensraum (living space): concept that emphasized need for territorial expansion of Germany into east Wehrmacht: German army HJ (Hitler Jugend): Hitler Youth Einstazgruppen: Nazi Death Squad; mobile killing units

Hitler’s Nazism Mussolini’s Fascism Italian system was not as ruthless or brutal as Germany’s Mass atrocities Anti-communist Anti-democratic Totalitarian Wanted economic self-sufficiency Intensely nationalistic Glorified war Cult of hero/leader Became anti-Semitic in 1938 (Mussolini was emulating Hitler) Anti-Semitic group from the start Italy did not come near to self-sufficiency and never eliminated unemployment (it actually rose) Nazi Party was efficient No one in Germany could dismiss Hitler Monarchy still remained in Italy (Mussolini ignored the king)