National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance March 29, 2016


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National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance March 29, 2016 Wilderness Stewardship Performance: Its Structure, Goals, Roles for Volunteer-based Stewardship Organizations National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance March 29, 2016

Who I Am Steve Boutcher National Wilderness & Wild and Scenic River Information Manager Burlington, VT

Outline for Presentation Background Overview of Wilderness Stewardship Performance (WSP) Partner Contribution to WSP Online Resources Available Questions? Questions: I’ll stop once in the middle for questions and then will also leave plenty of time at the end of the call. What I won’t be covering are the specifics of the NWSA granting program which will be provided in the next training seminar to be led by Randy Welsh on April 15th

What is a “performance measure”? Performance Measure: “A quantifiable indicator used to assess how well an organization or business is achieving its desired objectives.” Peter Drucker quote: “What gets measured gets managed”

Background – 10YWSC Created new performance measure “# of wildernesses managed to a minimum stewardship level” Identified 10 common elements; each worth 10-points …. Wildernesses scoring 60-points and higher were determined to be “managed to standard” Packaged as “10-Year Wilderness Stewardship Challenge” (10YWSC), endorsed by the Chief in 2003 Goal was to reach 100% of wildernesses to standard in 10-years (by 2014)

Progress on 10YWSC % to Standard Average Score

Where to Next? Decision to focus on two initiatives: Wilderness Character Monitoring (WCM) Wilderness Stewardship Performance (WSP)

Wilderness Character Monitoring Interagency strategy, with agency specific monitoring protocols Consists of five “qualities”: untrammeled, undeveloped, natural, opportunities for solitude, other features of value First time applied, baseline determined; second time applied, trends evaluated Does not have a field data collection component – relies on “best data available”

Wilderness Character Monitoring

Comparison: WSP vs. WCM

WSP Overview Each wilderness must select 10 “core” elements from a list of 20 May also select “elective” elements Each element is worth 10-points, in 2-point increments A wilderness is determined to be “managed to standard” when it scores 60-points or higher There is no fixed timeline for when wildernesses are expected to be managed to standard Forests are expected to make steady improvement

WSP Framework

WSP Framework w/ Partners Twelve elements where partners can most clearly play a role I’ll drill down a bit more deeply on six of these elements in just a few minutes.

WSP Element Selection Process

WSP Guidebook

WSP Guidebook

Natural Element- Invasive Species ELEMENT DESCRIPTION: The invasive terrestrial and aquatic species of greatest concern to this wilderness, including vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, and pathogens, have been assessed and treatment actions taken to address the highest priority populations, with an emphasis on prevention and early detection/rapid response. Invasive species are successfully treated.

Natural Element- Invasive Species PARTNER CONTRIBUTION: Informal survey Detailed quantitative inventory Management actions taken Effectiveness monitoring Invasive species are successfully treated.

Natural Element- Air Quality Values ELEMENT DESCRIPTION: The impact of air pollution on wilderness resources has been monitored and evaluated to inform relevant environmental analyses and permitting processes. Air quality trends are measured.

Natural Element- Air Quality Values PARTNER CONTRIBUTION: Monitoring baseline established for priority sensitive receptor Trends established for priority sensitive receptor Air quality trends are measured.

Undeveloped Element- Recreation Sites ELEMENT DESCRIPTION: Wilderness recreation sites have been located and their condition routinely assessed. Standards have been developed and stewardship actions taken if conditions are not in compliance with management direction.

Undeveloped Element- Recreation Sites PARTNER CONTRIBUTION: Inventory of recreation sites Management actions taken if sites out of standard

Undeveloped Element- Trails ELEMENT DESCRIPTION: Trails need to be managed to provide quality wilderness experiences while minimizing biophysical impacts.

Undeveloped Element- Trails PARTNER CONTRIBUTION: Assessment of NFS Trails for conformance with Trail Management Objectives Survey of user developed trails

Solitude Element ELEMENT DESCRIPTION: This wilderness has adequate direction, monitoring, and management actions to protect outstanding opportunities for solitude..

Solitude Element PARTNER CONTRIBUTION: Baseline inventory of opportunities for solitude Statistically valid monitoring of opportunities for solitude

Education Element ELEMENT DESCRIPTION: Specific and targeted educational activities have been undertaken by Forest Service personnel, partners, and/or volunteers to improve understanding and awareness of wilderness values by the public.

Education Element PARTNER CONTRIBUTION: Implementing priority actions from education plan Implementing specific actions to target non- traditional audiences and engage youth

FY 2016 WSP National Funding Three components: WSP Grants Partnership w/ NWSA National Priority Projects: User developed trail protocol Statistically valid solitude monitoring protocol

FY 2016 Tasks & Timeline Internal WSP Survey (Jan. – Feb. ‘16) Updates to Guidebook (Mar. – May ‘16) Selection of Elements (Sept. ‘16) Year-End Reporting (Oct. ‘16)

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Questions? Background photo: BWCAW (FS)