November 2, 2017
What is Day of Giving? 24-hour online fundraising campaign – Midnight to Midnight Campaign promoted through social media, email, direct mail, peer to peer, and local media outlets Platform hosted by Scalefunder Background on Fresno State: UA division includes development, alumni relations, data management, communications and marketing – UA mission and “we are all in development mentality 8 colleges, 50 centers and institutes, DODs decentralized and some central Full campus effort Special recognition of Patricia, Jennifer and Amanda – Annual Fund team Pave the way for other non-profit
What is the purpose of D.O.G.? Raise the profile of University and inspire giving Build a culture of philanthropy on campus Grow the pipeline of giving Reach alumni where they are Focus on participation and not dollars Inspire new donors, encourage current donors to make an additional gift and reactivate lapsed donors VCH story Show our Bulldog pride – wear red
Fresno State’s first ever D.O.G. Raised $431,395 1,123 unique donors Donors from 3 countries and 29 states 15 schools/colleges/programs participated and competed in daily and hourly challenges for additional University bonus support
Social Media Ambassadors 165 peer-to-peer fundraisers who help promote a specific area through their personal social media platforms, email contacts, etc. Toolkit provided to Ambassadors with marketing information and tips to help boost participation during hourly and daily challenges
Media outreach Timeline: teaser, week of, day of Social media: YouTube link: Social media: Facebook (354K) Twitter impressions w/hashtag (23M) Hashtag (2,858) Local media Video
Participation challenge The Office of the President supplied $60,000 as an incentive to increase donor participation Schools, colleges and programs earned a portion of the $60,000 based on the percentage of unique donors participating on that day
Hourly challenges The Fresno State Alumni Association Board of Directors supplied $15,000 that was split up as an incentive for hourly challenges throughout the day Hourly challenges were strategically setup throughout the day to either increase donors or increase social media promotion
Sample hourly challenges Midnight – The fund that receives the first gift will get a $1,000 bonus 8:00a-9:00a – Tweet out why you think it is important to #FeedTheDog! Tag the school, college or program that you think should win a $500 bonus 2:00pm-3:00pm – School, college or program with the most alumni donors receives $2,000 *multiple gifts from the same donor do not count
Individual area challenges Schools, colleges and programs were able to create their own challenge for DOG Example: “(Donor Name) has generously offered to match all gifts up to $1,000 for the Lyles College of Engineering!” “(Donor Name) will give the Henry Madden Library an additional $2,500 if we reach 500 gifts!”
Campus events Created a morning “Thank You” stunt to attract local media coverage as well as create a buzz on campus and in the community Thank you card signing stations were setup throughout campus to educate students on DOG as well as collect personal thank you notes for donors Individual school, college and program events to generate excitement for their area
Lessons learned Expand VIP window Simplify Ambassador process Develop media partners Stay in alignment with the theme Add more video Back up plan in case of a crash Speed up data input and reporting process Improve thank you process
Additional Fresno State Day of Giving Information Thank You Video Search #FresnoStateDOG on social media!