Rhyme Scheme Yay! More Poetry!
Rhyme Schemes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSSmrIZ7zJU
Instructions Cut out the single heart Cut out the 3 hearts, leaving it attached where the lines overlap Fold each of the sides inwards so that it looks like one heart until you open it up into 3 hearts Glue down the middle heart only so that the 2 hearts on each side fold inward
What Am I Writing? Write the definition for rhyme scheme in the single heart Finish each poem with an appropriate rhyme scheme
Finished Product
Fill in the Heart!
Heart 1 Roses are red (A) Violets are blue (B) These flowers are dead (A) Thanks a lot (C)
Heart 2 & 3 Complete these two hearts with a neighbor Make sure the rhyme scheme follows the one listed! The finished poems can be silly or serious