Technical Assistance for Development of a Strategy for Alignment with Common Market Organisation (CMO) Requirements TR2014/AG/10-A1-01/001 This Project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS AND EVALUATION OF THE EU PROMOTIONAL POLICY Dariusz Goszczyński Expert on training in the area of CMO Ankara, 2 May, 2018
COUNCIL CONCLUSIONS ON THE FUTURE OF AGRICULTURAL PROMOTION POLICY Brussels, 15 and 16 December 2011 Important tool in ensuring the competitiveness of EU farming and food processing EU promotion policy serves as the basic objectives of EU interests, complementing the primary role of private industry in promoting its own products Recognises that the positive effects of promotion policy should be further strengthened, while acknowledging at the same time that the system needs some improvements, clarification and simplification
COUNCIL CONCLUSIONS ON THE FUTURE OF AGRICULTURAL PROMOTION POLICY Brussels, 15 and 16 December 2011 Financial resources which are commensurate with its objectives Promotion actions should also be carried out to promote the potential of local farming and short-chain distribution Underlines the necessity of having a policy targeted at EU added-value actions Recognises the need for an attractive policy with increased emphasis on third countries
COUNCIL CONCLUSIONS ON THE FUTURE OF AGRICULTURAL PROMOTION POLICY Brussels, 15 and 16 December 2011 Notes the importance of parallel diplomatic and trade policy activity to secure access to third country markets Acknowledges the need to simplify and improve the current policy framework Encourages the Commission in its ongoing work to explore all possible ways of achieving the objectives, notably by: providing consumers with better access to information on quality systems, such as PDO, PGI and organic farming, making promotion policy responsive to crisis management improving and streamlining multi-country and multi-product programmes, particularly as an important tool in external markets
CHALLENGES Increased pressure on the EU agricultural sector Increased liberalisation of trade (FTAs) Increased globalisation of the world economy Promotion policies of EU competitors
CHALLENGES Abolition of export refunds Gradual increase of agricultural prices/steep Stricter production standards Strengthened requirements related to environment and climate change Only 14% of Europeans recognise the signs PDO / PGI
EU PROMOTION POLICY Clear priorities determined each year - work program Increasing the number of promotional campaigns in third country markets Closer cooperation between operators from different Member States, through programs involving a number of countries (the programs "multi") Very beneficial EU co-financing rates
EU PROMOTION POLICY The objectives of the promotion measures: Increase awareness of the merits of Union agricultural products and of the high standards applicable to the production methods in the Union; Increase the competitiveness and consumption of Union agricultural products and certain food products and raise their profile both inside and outside the Union; Increase the awareness and recognition of Union quality schemes; Increase the market share of Union agricultural products and certain food products, specifically focusing on those markets in third countries that have the highest growth potential; Restore normal market conditions in the event of serious market disturbance, loss of consumer confidence or other specific problems.
ELIGIBLE PRODUCTS AND SCHEMES All agricultural products listed in Annex I to the TFEU, excluding tobacco Open to certain processed products listed in Annex (beer, chocolate, pasta, sweet corn, cotton...) Spirits with a Protected Geographical Indication The Commission is empowered to adopt, in order to take account of market developments, delegated acts, supplementing the list in Annex by adding food products
ELIGIBLE PRODUCTS AND SCHEMES Wine The information provision and promotion measures may only cover wine with designation of origin or protected geographical indication status Wine carrying an indication of the wine grape variety In the case of simple programmes - the programme in question must also cover other products
ELIGIBLE PRODUCTS AND SCHEMES Spirit drinks, wine, beer measures targeting the internal market shall be limited to: informing consumers of the quality schemes responsible consumption of those beverages
ELIGIBLE PRODUCTS AND SCHEMES Fishery and aquaculture products may be the subject of information provision and promotion measures only if other products are also covered by the programme in question.
Food quality schemes ELIGIBLE PRODUCTS AND SCHEMES Protected Designations of Origin Protected Geographical Indications Traditional Speciality Guaranteed Organic farming Outermost regions of the Union
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MEASURES Information provision and promotion measures shall not be brand-oriented Nevertheless, it is possible for commercial brands to be visible during demonstrations or tastings and on information and promotional material The principle of non-discrimination shall apply Equal treatment and access for all brands of the proposing organisations and equal treatment for Member States
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MEASURES Information provision and promotion measures shall not be brand-oriented Each brand shall be equally visible and its graphic presentation shall use a smaller format than the main Union message of the campaign. Several brands Except in duly justified circumstances pertaining to the specific situation of the Member States concerned.
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MEASURES Information provision and promotion measures shall not be brand-oriented Source: European Commission
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MEASURES Information provision and promotion measures shall not be origin-oriented Nevertheless, origin of products to be visible on information and promotional material: in the internal market, the mention of the origin must always be secondary in relation to the main Union message of the campaign. Source: European Commission
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MEASURES Information provision and promotion measures shall not be origin-oriented Nevertheless, origin of products to be visible on information and promotional material: in third countries, the mention of the origin may be on the same level as the main Union message of the campaign. Source: European Commission
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MEASURES Information provision and promotion measures shall not be origin-oriented Not acceptable: programmes which encourage or give preference to the purchase of domestic products •Article 34 TFUE •Case 249/81 Commission v Ireland [1982] ECR 4005 Source: European Commission
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MEASURES Information provision and promotion measures shall not be origin-oriented Nevertheless, origin of products to be visible on information and promotional material: for products recognised under the quality schemes the origin registered in the denomination may be mentioned without any restriction
TYPES OF ACTIONS Information provision and promotion measures shall take the form of: information and promotion programmes the measures on the initiative of the Commission Programmes shall consist of a coherent set of operations and shall be implemented over a period of at least one but not more than three years.
TYPES OF ACTIONS Information and promotion programmes Simple programmes in the internal market Simple programmes in third countries Submitted by one or more of the proposing organisations which shall all be from the same Member State
TYPES OF ACTIONS Information and promotion programmes Multi programmes in the internal market Multi programmes in the internal market or in third countries Submitted by: at least two proposing organisations, which shall all be from at least two Member States; or one or more Union organisations
TYPES OF ACTIONS Measures on the initiative of the Commission Information and promotion measures including campaigns, in the event of serious market disturbance, loss of consumer confidence or other specific problems
TYPES OF ACTIONS Measures on the initiative of the Commission high-level missions, participation in trade fairs and exhibitions of international importance by means of stands, operations aimed at enhancing the image of Union products.
TYPES OF ACTIONS Measures on the initiative of the Commission Technical support services, in particular with a view to: encouraging awareness of different markets, including by means of exploratory business meetings; maintaining a dynamic professional network around information and promotion policy, including providing advice to the sector with regard to the threat of imitation and counterfeit products in third countries; and improving knowledge of Union rules concerning programme development and implementation.
PROHIBITION ON DOUBLE FUNDING Information provision and promotion measures shall not be the subject of any other financing under the Union’s budget.
SUGGESTIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PROMOTIONAL POLICY Well-prepared strategy Ensuring adequate budgetary resources Activities that integrate entrepreneurs Communication strategy - implementation of the umbrella logo
Thank you for your attention Dariusz Goszczyński
This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union The contents of this publication is the sole responsibility of NIRAS IC Sp. z o.o. and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union