5th Grade Karen Franz/Mrs. Reinhart ELA/Social Studies kfranz@kleinisd.net treinhart1@kleinisd.net Laurie Gipson Math lgipson1@kleinisd.net Mrs. Mullis lmullis@kleinisd.net 832 484 6200 Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use. Presentation template created by Gwyneth Jones, and used with permission http://thedaringlibrarian.wikispaces.com/BTSN
Mission Statement: Our Mission: To reach each child and encourage them to be the best they can be in both their academic endeavors and character development.
Classroom Procedures: Parent Connect www.kleinisd.net Super Eagle Cards H.W.- check mark on SE Tardies + early release STAAR PLANNERS Teacher Websites Textbooks Parent/Teacher Conference Homeroom Schedules
ELA: Ms. Franz/Mrs. Reinhart Language Arts Block: Reader’s Workshop, Writer’s Workshop, and Word Study. Reader’s Workshop: reading groups, shared reading and independent reading. RED Reading Log Writer’s Workshop will include mini-lessons on the seven traits of writing, time to explore different types of writing, and writer’s conferences with teacher and peers. Word Study – includes spelling, vocabulary and grammar. Spelling Bee STAAR Reading Wed.,March 30 retest Tues., May 10
Math: Mrs. Gipson Math Website Red Homework Blue Notebook *Supplies STAAR Math Tues., March 29 retest Mon., May 9
Social Studies: Ms. Franz/Mrs. Reinhart Assigned Reading Interactive Notebooks Projects
Science: Mrs. Mullis 1st science project Website Green Notebook Green Folder STAAR Science May 11