靠近十架 Near the Cross 生命圣诗367首.


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1-4 Jesus, keep me near the cross; There a precious fountain, Free to all, a healing stream, Flows from Calv’ry’s mountain. In the cross, in the cross,
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Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross
求主使我靠十架 在彼有生命水 宝血由十架流下 白白赐人洗罪
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Presentation transcript:

靠近十架 Near the Cross 生命圣诗367首

Free to all, a healing stream 由各各他流下。 Flows from Calvary’s mountain. 1.求主使我近十架, Jesus, keep me near the cross, 因有宝贵泉源, There a precious fountain 医治活水免代价, Free to all, a healing stream 由各各他流下。 Flows from Calvary’s mountain.

副歌 Refrain 十字架, 十字架, In the cross, in the cross, 永远是我荣耀, Be my glory ever; 直到我欢聚天家, Till my rapture soul shall find 仍夸主十字架。 Rest beyond the river.

There the bright and morning star Sheds its beams around me. 2.我战兢靠近十架, Near the cross, a trembling soul, 蒙主慈爱恩待, Love and mercy found me; 那里有明亮晨星, There the bright and morning star 荣光四面照来。 Sheds its beams around me.

副歌 Refrain 十字架, 十字架, In the cross, in the cross, 永远是我荣耀, Be my glory ever; 直到我欢聚天家, Till my rapture soul shall find 仍夸主十字架。 Rest beyond the river.

Help me walk from day to day, 日日奔走天程。 With its shadows o’er me. 3.求主使我近十架, Near the cross! O Lamb of God, 思念昔日情景, Bring its scenes before me; 在主十架荫庇下, Help me walk from day to day, 日日奔走天程。 With its shadows o’er me.

副歌 Refrain 十字架, 十字架, In the cross, in the cross, 永远是我荣耀, Be my glory ever; 直到我欢聚天家, Till my rapture soul shall find 仍夸主十字架。 Rest beyond the river.

4.儆醒等候十架前, Near the cross I’ll watch and wait 信心盼望日坚, Hoping, trusting ever, 直到渡过死之河, Till I reach the golden strand, 安抵黄金美岸。 Just beyond the river.

副歌 Refrain 十字架, 十字架, In the cross, in the cross, 永远是我荣耀, Be my glory ever; 直到我欢聚天家, Till my rapture soul shall find 仍夸主十字架。 Rest beyond the river.

靠近十架 Near the Cross

Free to all, a healing stream 由各各他流下。 Flows from Calvary’s mountain. 1.求主使我近十架, Jesus, keep me near the cross, 因有宝贵泉源, There a precious fountain 医治活水免代价, Free to all, a healing stream 由各各他流下。 Flows from Calvary’s mountain.

副歌 Refrain 十字架, 十字架, In the cross, in the cross, 永远是我荣耀, Be my glory ever; 直到我欢聚天家, Till my rapture soul shall find 仍夸主十字架。 Rest beyond the river.

There the bright and morning star Sheds its beams around me. 2.我战兢靠近十架, Near the cross, a trembling soul, 蒙主慈爱恩待, Love and mercy found me; 那里有明亮晨星, There the bright and morning star 荣光四面照来。 Sheds its beams around me.

副歌 Refrain 十字架, 十字架, In the cross, in the cross, 永远是我荣耀, Be my glory ever; 直到我欢聚天家, Till my rapture soul shall find 仍夸主十字架。 Rest beyond the river.

Help me walk from day to day, 日日奔走天程。 With its shadows o’er me. 3.求主使我近十架, Near the cross! O Lamb of God, 思念昔日情景, Bring its scenes before me; 在主十架荫庇下, Help me walk from day to day, 日日奔走天程。 With its shadows o’er me.

副歌 Refrain 十字架, 十字架, In the cross, in the cross, 永远是我荣耀, Be my glory ever; 直到我欢聚天家, Till my rapture soul shall find 仍夸主十字架。 Rest beyond the river.

4.儆醒等候十架前, Near the cross I’ll watch and wait 信心盼望日坚, Hoping, trusting ever, 直到渡过死之河, Till I reach the golden strand, 安抵黄金美岸。 Just beyond the river.

副歌 Refrain 十字架, 十字架, In the cross, in the cross, 永远是我荣耀, Be my glory ever; 直到我欢聚天家, Till my rapture soul shall find 仍夸主十字架。 Rest beyond the river.