2-4: Ronald Reagan and the End of the Cold War, 1980-1992
Objectives CUL 1.0 Explain how religious groups and ideas have affected American society and political life. POL 1.0 Explain how and why political ideas, beliefs, institutions, party systems, and alignments have developed and changed. POL 2.0 Explain how popular movements, reform efforts, and activist groups have sought to change American society and institutions. POL 3.0 Explain how different beliefs about the federal government’s role in U.S. social and economic life have affected political debates and policies. WOR 2.0 Analyze the reasons for and results of U.S. diplomatic, economic, and military initiatives in North America and overseas.
Key Concepts A newly ascendant conservative movement achieved several political and policy goals during the 1980s and continued to strongly influence public discourse in the following decades. The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U.S. leadership forced the nation to redefine its foreign policy and role in the world.
Overview Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Resurgent conservative movement Foreign Policy Buildup of military power Collapse of USSR
The Reagan Revolution Election of 1980 Supply-Side Economics (Reaganomics) Federal Tax Reduction “Trickle-down” theory Significant tax cuts Spending Cuts Viewed liberal programs as counterproductive Cuts from education, food stamps, public housing Met opposition due to popularity of some programs
The Reagan Revolution Deregulation Budget and Trade Deficits Wanted to reduce government interference with business Intended to promote economic growth Budget and Trade Deficits High military spending Eventual tax increases Impact of Reaganomics Unemployment and inflation declined Stock market increase Stable prices led to farm bankruptcies Also weakened banks who had their loans defaulted
Foreign Policy During the Reagan Years Renewing the Cold War Military Buildup Soviet Union an “evil empire” Use of limited military interventions Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) Central America Grenada Iran-Contra Scandal Improved U.S.-Soviet Relations Assessing Reagan’s Policy Contributed to fall of USSR Promoted interventionism beyond Cold War
George H.W. Bush and the End of the Cold War Foreign Policy Collapse of Communism Tiananmen Square Breakup of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev “glasnost” (openness) “perestroika” (restructuring) Fall of the Berlin Wall End of the Cold War What is the new role of America? Invasion of Panama Persian Gulf War
George H.W. Bush and the End of the Cold War Domestic Issues Budget deficits Abandonment of aspects of Reaganomics Stock market woes and slight recession Americans with Disabilities Act