Lancashire Learning Disability Partnership Board Agenda Updates Thursday 27th September 2018 County Hall Complex, Savoy Suite 2 10.00am-12.45pm
Lancashire Learning Disability Partnership Board Welcome and housekeeping Positive and productive meetings Ground Rules Red and green cards until
Lancashire Learning Disability Partnership Board Introductions : Please say your name and organisation Apologies Stephen Ellis, Natalie Kim Varenjes, Lionel Barker, Saeed Khan, Mavis Abel, Charlotte Hammond
Minutes from the last meeting on the 9th May until Minutes from the last meeting on the 9th May
5. Overview of today’s agenda until 5. Overview of today’s agenda
Self-advocates Feedback until Self-advocates Feedback
Self-advocates top 3 priorities until Self-advocates top 3 priorities
1.Human rights awareness 2.Safety in buses 3.Hate Crime awareness . until Keeping Safe Subgroup: Safety in Town, ongoing Three new priorities 1.Human rights awareness 2.Safety in buses 3.Hate Crime awareness .
Live Well Subgroup Feedback and progress until Live Well Subgroup Feedback and progress Employment/ College Courses- on going Support for carers with learning disabilities – ongoing New Priorities Universal credit – Easy read Social care review – the purpose
Last meeting held on the 19th July 3 Priorities until PIMD Group: Feedback Last meeting held on the 19th July 3 Priorities Annual event to raise awareness of the PIMD group and their carers Transition Health Passport Awareness
until Break for 15 minutes
Friends and Relationships Group: Feedback until Friends and Relationships Group: Feedback
Live Healthier - Live Longer Priorities Annual health checks Raising awareness of annual health checks Easy read version Health and wellbeing self -assessment Mental Health / Health passport linked to PIMD
Transition Lisa Taylor
Advice and support for more isolated unpaid carers until Family Carers: Feedback Top 3 priorities Transport Advice and support for more isolated unpaid carers Respite for unpaid carers
Providers: Feedback Top 3 priorities
until Adult Social Care Feedback Top 3 priorities
until Group Discussion
Meeting ends Any other business Closing round Date and time of the next meeting 24/10/2018 Meeting ends