The Incan empire 1200-1533 CE
The Incan Empire resided in the Andes mountains of South America Believed that they first settled in the valley of Cuzco, in present-day Peru
The Incas settled in the Andes mountains, which were not an easy place to live Cold Steep and rocky slopes Difficult to breathe due to altitude
Machu Picchu
Terrace farming was necessary in the Andes- built canals to transport water
The Incas were also powerful warriors Pachacuti was the greatest ‘Sapa Inca’, or warrior-king Their strong army helped the Incans expand, but they preferred to be peaceful
The Incans are also known for their amazing architecture and roads, which helped navigate through the mountainous terrain
While the Incans were mostly a peaceful empire, the empire ended when the last ‘Sapa Inca’ died and did not name a successor Two of his sons fought and eventually caused a civil war, crumbling the empire Spanish conquistadors arrived soon after
Ice Maiden of Peru Incan Mummies
Directions Each “station” has evidence about the Incan Mummy. Your archaeological team will have 4 minutes to analyze the artifact (or image of the artifact) and log your observations on your Evidence Log.
Team Roles Let’s go! Materials Manager (in charge of the artifact) Recorder (logs information on Evidence Log) Super Observer (keenly observes all aspects of the artifact) Let’s go!
Is This the World's Best-Preserved Mummy?
Virgins of the Sun and Incan Human Sacrifice