Final Draft of Poetic Analysis Due by the start of class Wednesday!!! (MUST bring a print out to class, too)
Title... You need to come up with a title… something slightly creative that incorporates one of the following… The theme/topic of poem The literary devices A play on the title of the poem Poet’s last name Examples…. Overcoming Obstacles with Maya Angelou Not Just a “Casa” The Power of Imagery and Allusions in “America”
Thesis? Where does it go?? AT THE END of your introduction… Unless we have previously spoken about reworking your introduction, you MUST have at least one intext citation included in your introduction. You should be paraphrasing in your introduction, which means the intext citation will go at the very last sentence used from that website. If you used more than one website, then you will have more than one intext citation. No direct quotes needed. (See example on next slide)
Citation during Introduction MUST cite your paraphrased research!!! Remember, we went over this already.
Research in Intro Paraphrase only! Use in-text citations at the end of the sentence (“Langston Hughes”). MLA citation of website: Use author of research if known Use tile of website if known Whatever is the title of the page you are viewing… often will be the name of the poet “Langston Hughes” OR the name of the article written “Slam Poet Wins All”
EXAMPLE…. In 1992, a youthful Rigoberto González wished his family farewell as they returned to Mexico while he stayed behind in hopes of completing his education in the United States.González faced many hardships being apart of a family of migrant farm workers, in Michoacán,Mexico where he was raised, and being an immigrant in California. He, also, faced the difficulties of being a homosexual male at a primarily closed-minding time in America. González used his poetry to document and express his struggles so that audiences going through the same experience may relate to and find comfort in his work (Wikipedia). In his poem, “Casa”, Rigoberto González uses personification and verbal irony to convey the message that a house is not a home without a fundamental foundation and effort of a family.
Body paragraphs… You need at least two examples from the poem embedded into your body paragraphs!! They needed to be cited in MLA format *you HAVE to cite the line #s at the end of every example… ….use the green sheet to show you how to format
How to introduce quotes BEFORE embedding them… You can’t just throw your quote in there… You need to say something like “For example, the poem states”... or “As stated in the poem,” or ... “The poet includes” or “An example of this is”...
Transitioning…many of you will see this commented on your paper! We need to be using transition sentences from one paragraph to next that connects one idea to the next idea… these should happen between body paragraphs Examples: Hughes uses literary devices to showcase the theme of making America great again especially through the use of imagery. Hughes’ theme of making America great again is showcased through the use of imagery. Not only does Hughes use imagery to illustrate the theme of making America great again, but Hughes’ also incorporates metaphors into his poem. Metaphors are another literary device that Hughes’ implement into his poem “Making America Great Again” in order to support his theme.
Conclusion... The first sentence should restates the thesis. The second-fourth sentences summarize the essay’s subpoints (theme, lit device and lit device). Finally, the fifth sentence leaves the reader with a final impression either of the poem or poet. No new information is presented in this paragraph. Instead, the writer sums up what has been written so far and leaves the reader with a last thought. While the content of the paragraph is very similar to the introduction, the paragraph itself is not exactly the same. This is important. Even though the goal of the conclusion is to restate a lot of the information from the introduction, it should sound different because the conclusion’s purpose is slightly different from the introduction.
For example…. In the poem, “Casa”, poet Rigoberto Gonzalez uses personification and verbal irony to describe the ways a house cannot truly be a home without family. The theme is made clear to the audience through the impactful use of personification as well as the almost comedic effect of the verbal irony throughout the piece. These devices in particular, and the overall message of the poem, connect to the author’s life experiences, as one can see through the research. Gonzalez faced many challenges growing up. Therefore, he used poetry to share his experiences so that others may find consolation in his poems.
MLA formatting!! Header (including last name and pagination in the top right corners of EVERY page) Works Cited Page: Works Cited (centered) at the top middle Hanging indents on lines 2 and 3 of citations Alphabetical order by 1st word in citation should have at least 2 sources located on works cited page (poem itself; research)
Other reminders… Title of your poem should be in “Quotation Marks”... NO NO NO Pronouns… You, I, They, Us, We… Other options “one”, “oneself”, “audience”, “reader”, “society” , etc. Don’t forget your last name and page # in the top right corner Works Cited Page Research Citation Poem Citation
Poem Itself AT THE VERY END…. copy and paste ENTIRE poem AFTER works cited page…