Add your team’s summary here followed by your initials Add your team’s summary here followed by your initials. Remember to rotate the person on the team who does the summary for each page.
Add your team’s summary here followed by your initials Add your team’s summary here followed by your initials. Remember to rotate the person on the team who does the summary.
(what is held constant) Independent Variable (what you will change) Dependent Variable (what you will measure) Voltage (This is filled in for you. Voltage is related to energy and can be easily measured with a meter.) Control Variables (what is held constant) Values Used Distance to fan 12 inches Wind speed Fan set on HIGH
IV = _____________ Voltage (mV)
Stop! Discuss your conclusion with your teacher before moving on. Add your team’s summary here followed by your initials. Remember to rotate the person on the team who does the summary. Stop! Discuss your conclusion with your teacher before moving on. STOP
(what is held constant) Independent Variable (what you will change) Dependent Variable (what you will measure) Voltage (This is filled in for you. Voltage is related to energy and can be easily measured with a meter.) Control Variables (what is held constant) Values Used Distance to fan 12 inches Wind speed Fan set on HIGH
IV = _____________ Voltage (mV)
Stop! Discuss your conclusion with your teacher before moving on. Add your team’s summary here followed by your initials. Remember to rotate the person on the team who does the summary. Stop! Discuss your conclusion with your teacher before moving on. STOP
(what is held constant) Independent Variable (what you will change) Dependent Variable (what you will measure) Voltage (This is filled in for you. Voltage is related to energy and can be easily measured with a meter.) Control Variables (what is held constant) Values Used Distance to fan 12 inches Wind speed Fan set on HIGH
IV = _____________ Voltage (mV)
Stop! Discuss your conclusion with your teacher before moving on. Add your team’s summary here followed by your initials. Remember to rotate the person on the team who does the summary. Stop! Discuss your conclusion with your teacher before moving on. STOP
(what is held constant) Independent Variable (what you will change) Dependent Variable (what you will measure) Voltage (This is filled in for you. Voltage is related to energy and can be easily measured with a meter.) Control Variables (what is held constant) Values Used Distance to fan 12 inches Wind speed Fan set on HIGH
IV = _____________ Voltage (mV)
Add your team’s summary here followed by your initials Add your team’s summary here followed by your initials. Remember to rotate the person on the team who does the summary.
Specifications Value Maximum Voltage (mV) Angle of blades Number of blades Size of blades