Stage Theorists These psychologists believe that we travel from stage to stage throughout our lifetimes.
Sigmund Freud We all have a libido (sexual drive). Our libido travels to different areas of our body throughout our development. If we become preoccupied with any one area, Freud said we have become fixated on it. Together Freud called these stages our Psychosexual Stages of Development.
Oral Stage (0 - 1) Seek pleasure through our mouths. Babies put everything in their mouths. Psychological task – weaning. People fixated in this stage tend to overeat, smoke or have a childhood dependence on things.
Anal Stage (1 - 3) Psychological task - toilet training. Libido is focused on controlling waste and expelling waste. A person fixated here may become overly controlling (anal retentive) or out of control (anal expulsive).
Phallic Stage (3-6) Children first recognize their gender. Psychological task – identify with the same sex parent. Causes conflict in families with the Oedipus and Electra Complexes. Fixation can cause later problems in relationships.
Latency Stage (6-11) Libido is hidden. Cooties stage. Conflicts from earlier stages remain dormant or below the surface.
Genital Stage (11 and up) Libido is focused on their genitals. Experience sexual feelings towards others. Conflicts from early childhood reappear.
Moral Development Three Stage Theory by Lawrence Kohlberg!!!
Pre-conventional Morality (0-6) Morality based on rewards and punishments. If you are rewarded then it is OK. If you are punished, the act must be wrong. “I’m not doing it, I might get caught”
Conventional Morality (6-11) Look at morality based on how others see you. If your peers , or society, thinks it is wrong, then so do you. “I’m not doing it, what would the teacher think?”
Post-conventional Morality (12 Up) Based on self-defined ethical principles. Your own personal set of ethics. “I’m not doing it, it’s against my principles.”
Criticisms of Kohlberg Carol Gilligan pointed out that Kohlberg only tested boys. Boys tend to have a more absolute value of morality. Girls tend to look at situational factors. Heinz Example of Morality
Erik Erikson A neo-Freudian. Worked with Anna Freud. Thought our personality was influenced by our experiences with others. 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development. Each stage centers on a social conflict.
Trust vs. Mistrust (0-18 Months) Can a baby trust the world to fulfill its needs? The trust or mistrust they develop can carry on with the child for the rest of their lives.
Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt (1 ½ - 3) Toddlers begin to control their bodies (toilet training) and explore their surroundings. Control temper tantrums. Big word is “NO.” Can they learn control or will they doubt themselves?
Initiative vs. Guilt (3-6) Word turns from “NO” to “WHY?” Want to understand the world and ask questions. Is their curiosity encouraged or scolded?
Industry (Competence) vs. Inferiority (6-12) School begins. We are for the first time evaluated by a formal system and our peers. Do we feel good about our accomplishments? If not, we may feel bad about ourselves and develop an inferiority complex.
Identity vs. Role Confusion (Teens) In our teenage years we try out different roles. Who am I? What group do I fit in with? If I do not find myself I may develop an identity crisis.
Intimacy vs. Isolation (Young Adult) Have to balance work and relationships. What are my priorities? When do I want to start a family?
Generativity vs. Stagnation (Mid-Adult) Is everything going as planned? Am I happy with what I created? Mid –life crisis?
Integrity vs. Despair (Late Adult) Look back on life. Was my life meaningful or do I have regrets? -WWII spy -3 doctorate degrees -17 published books -College Professor -Adorable granddaughter to carry on his legacy …= life well lived