The Troubles
Northern Ireland belongs to the United Kingdom and run by Parliament The Republic of Ireland is an independent country with its own government in Dublin
The troubles in Northern Ireland are largely the result of one question: Should the North stay part of the UK or should it join the South as part of a United and Independent Ireland?
Some people in Northern Ireland want to stay part of the UK. These people are called Unionists and are mostly Protestant. Hard-line Unionists are known as Loyalists. The other side want to join the South and become part of the Irish Republic. These people are called Nationalists and are mostly Catholic. Hard-line nationalists are known as Republicans.
The Conflict The Troubles refers to a violent thirty-year conflict 1968 - 1998 Good Friday Agreement - April 1998. Mix of territorial and religious conflict. national identity vs. national belonging. The Toll: Around 3,000 - 4,000 deaths 50,000 injured
IRA Irish Republican Army Seeking the establishment of a republic Most significant and best organized of the paramilitary groups operating in Ireland Seeking the establishment of a republic end of British rule August 1994 the IRA declared a “complete termination of all military activities” Convinced by the Irish and British governments that a cease-fire would be rewarded with participation in multiparty talks
IRA/Troubles Timeline Individually or with a partner you will create a timeline of major events leading up to, during and after the time period known as ‘The Troubles’. Requirements Minimum of 15 events Specific date of event Brief explanation of event AND significance 3 visuals Resources There are links to online source on my website Library databases Due: Friday 6/8
But who are the majority – the whole of Ireland or Northern Ireland? Both groups do not trust each other. Some are determined to get their own way most people in Northern Ireland do not support violence, a minority of Loyalists and Republicans have used murder to show how strongly they feel about the future of Ireland. The Government of the UK and the Irish Republic often disagree about Northern Ireland. Governments in Dublin want a united Ireland. The British said it will not withdraw from Northern Ireland as long as most people of Northern Ireland wish to stay British. Both Nationalists and Unionists say they are democrats (they agree that the majority should decide). But who are the majority – the whole of Ireland or Northern Ireland?
County Protestant Catholic Antrim 75% 25% Down 72% 28% Armagh 52% 48% Tyrone 46% 54% Fermanagh 47% 53% Londonderry 33% 67% Belfast 73% 27%
With a partner… Read ‘A Short history of Ireland’ article Create a timeline of events based on this reading
HOMEWORK!!!!! Individually you will conduct research about Northern Ireland. Please bring in at least a half to full page of research about either the protestant or Catholics in Northern Ireland leading up to the Troubles. Prior to 1968. Even – Protestant Odd – Catholic
Good Friday Agreement 1998 both sides sign peace accords Set up a power-sharing government in 2007
Background The Troubles refers to a violent thirty-year conflict civil rights march in Londonderry on 5 October 1968 Good Friday Agreement on 10 April 1998. This was a territorial and religious conflict. At its heart lay two mutually exclusive visions of national identity and national belonging. The principal difference between 1968 and 1998 is that the people and organizations pursuing these rival futures eventually resolved to do so through peaceful and democratic means. This control of politics over violence was not easily achieved. During the Troubles, the scale of the killings perpetrated by all sides eventually exceeded 3,600. As many as 50,000 people were physically maimed or injured