Picturacy Film Narrative and The Primary Framework Julie Green Film Education
Film and the Primary Framework for Literacy The narrative and non-fiction units within the renewed Framework encompass both paper and on-screen texts and are intended to cover the full range of texts envisaged within the National Curriculum for English. www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/primaryframework/literacy
Film and the Primary Framework for Literacy For example; Year 4 Non-fiction - Unit 4 Persuasive Texts Watch a trailer for a popular children's film. Discuss how the soundtrack, sound effects, voice-over and moving images were used. Demonstrate how to combine words, music and images (to engage an audience). www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/primaryframework/literacy/planning/Year4/Nonfiction/unit4
Film and the Primary Framework for Literacy Year 5 Narrative - Unit 5 Film Narrative Use key points in a film to discuss features and themes. Explore approaches made by the filmmaker to create moods, pace and viewpoint. Develop children's film language by identifying how colour, light, sound and camera angles have been used to tell the narrative... Children work as part of a group to use drama strategies to explore characters in depth. Develop a storyboard for a narrative by capturing and importing key images into a presentation program. Children write their own version of a narrative, organising writing into paragraphs, and create a multimodal presentation of this version including images, voice-over, soundtrack and written text. www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/primaryframework/literacy/planning/Year5/Narrativestories/unit5/
Learning Objectives linked to Film Narrative Y3: Identify how texts are organised on screen Y3: Identify features that writers use to provoke reactions
Year 4 Compare the different contributions of music, words and images Explore the use of figurative and expressive language to create images and atmosphere Combine words and images and other features for particular effects
Year 5 Infer writers’ perspectives from what is written and what is implied Use a range of ICT programs to present texts, making informed choices of which electronic tools to use for different purposes
Year 6 Consider the overall impact of a recorded performance, identifying dramatic ways of conveying characters’ ideas and building tension Understand underlying themes Integrate words, images and sounds imaginatively
Assessing Pupil Progress Picturacy™ gives opportunities for assessment by revisiting a genre in literacy through film work Using the resource as a stimulus provides firm evidence of independence and consistency in pupil attainment without the teacher scaffolding given assessment focus points
For example: APP in Writing and Film Narrative Primary Framework strands and Assessment Focuses: Strand 9 – AFs1, 2 & 7: dealing with aspects of composition and effect Strand 10 – Afs 3 & 4: dealing with aspects of structure and organisation Strand 11: Afs 5 & 6: dealing with aspects of sentence work and punctution
Word - sentence - text (Literacy) Shot - sequence - text (Picturacy) ‘The places here were laid with gold, not silver, and the 14 seats were not oak benches but mahogany chairs with velvet cushions.’ The Northern Lights, Philip Pullman
Actively reading film Improves reading and enjoyment of all texts Knowledge and understanding of filmmaking so pupils can develop skills as filmmakers
From screen to page Deeper understanding of genre, narrative, character, audience… Allows comparison of composition and effect in film and writing
Direct and reported speech Verbs and adverbs Descriptive language FILM WRITING CHARACTER Acting and dialogue Use of camera Costume and make up Direct and reported speech Verbs and adverbs Descriptive language SETTING Set design Special effects Figurative language MOOD Light and colour Music and sound PACE Editing - Transitions Length of shots Sequence of shots/scenes Sentence length/structure Paragraphs and chapters Vocabulary VIEWPOINT Voiceover narration 1st and 3rd person narration PASSING OF TIME/ FLASHBACKS Editing Tense Time connectives Paragraphs and chapters
Camera How are the effects of these shot types achieved in writing?
Camera How are the effects of these shot types achieved in writing?
Camera How are the effects of these shot types achieved in writing?
Task 1 - 20/25 mins You are going to tell your own version of a scene’s narrative. Choose 12 key images from the clip ‘First time I had ever seen a fox so close’ (The Fox and the Child, Jacquet 2007). Pause the video at each chosen moment and create a screen grab. This is harder than you think! Sequence your screen grabs into a storyboard. Empty the screen grab bank of any images you don’t need Use the first image with Bubbles to add speech and/or thoughts as well a text box with a couple of sentences. Use punctuation with speech and powerful verbs and adverbs in text boxes. Create a new screen grab of the finished image. Repeat 3 for each image in turn and create a new storyboard from your screen grab bank Each pair read another pair’s finished work.
Task 2 - 40/45 mins Meanwhile… You play the parents (or aunts/uncles) of the child. You are discussing her behaviour at home, one of you thinks her relationship with the fox is a positive thing, the other is worried that she is becoming obsessed and that humans cannot form relationships with wild animals. The discussion turns into an argument which is brought abruptly to an end when you see the girl coming towards the house in the distance. She is covered in blood…
Task 2 With your narrative you need to: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the different shot types and their effect. Establish character visually and by using speech and thought bubbles Use text boxes to add a sentence or two to accompany each frame. Use time connectives, powerful verbs and adverbs etc.
Task 2 - 45 mins Pairs into fours Plan - sketch a storyboard. 12 frames max (10 mins) Off to take photos. Back in 15 mins Back into pairs Import photos onto laptops and then into Picturacy Add bubbles, text boxes, adjust light and colour etc. Make screen grabs of each final image Sequence in a storyboard Pairs swap laptops to read the others’ narrative.
Tips The 180 degree rule Shot reverse shot