Business Systems Requirements and Acquisition Highlights Business System Functional Requirements & Acquisition Planning Business System Acquisition, Testing & Deployment Capability Need Identification Business Solution Analysis Capability Support Contract Award Solution Analysis ATP Functional Requirements ATP Acquisition ATP Limited Deployment ATP(s) Full Deployment ATP Capability Support ATP The Defense Acquisition Culture—DoDI 5000.02 milestones and models do not provide the proper structure for managing business system programs, policy, training, management, engineering & testing are designed and executed with weapon systems procurement in mind. In Business Systems—Industry is the innovator. COTS/GOTS are the basis, Business Systems are never really done—changes in policy and processes, software upgrades, tech refresh are continuous. Business Systems take too long The Business System is just a part of the full business capability so what are Program Managers responsible for? -- the delivery of IT or the overall business capability? Where does the stakeholder community fit it? How can we effectively leverage Agile methodologies in delivering business capability? Do we value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Market Research Process IT IT Solution Approach Selection IT Requirements Functional Requirements Design Specifications Organizational Change Management Milestone decision Other key program event