OPO Committee Update Spring 2017
Policy Implementation Reduce Documentation Shipped with Organs No need to ship complete donor record (only ABO, infectious disease) Effective dates: OPTN - March 1, 2016 CMS – Jan. 1, 2017 Imminent and Eligible Definitions Makes data collection more consistent since imminent and eligible definitions are interpreted differently across OPOs. Aligns with the recent changes to the CMS definitions Effective date: Jan. 1, 2017 Recent changes to the CMS regulations have led to alignment with two OPTN policy changes. OPOs are no longer required to ship the complete donor record with each organ. Imminent and eligible definitions Effective dates for both changes – Jan. 1, 2017
Committee Projects System Optimizations to Expedite Organ Allocation Joint work group including representation from multiple committees Discussing: Time limits for responding to electronic organ offer Use of the provisional yes Technology changes to provide automated notifications (added or modified donor information, primary/backup notification, etc) Number of offers accepted for one candidate Transplant center acceptance criteria and acceptance practices Increasing the number of simultaneous offers Public comment proposal in late summer 2017 A joint work group with representation from organ-specific committees, the transplant coordinators committee and the operations and safety committee has been formed to discuss these topics. Public comment proposal: The committee will be submitting a public comment proposal this summer proposing that we reduce current time limits to 30 minutes and create a new 1-hour time limit for a final decision on primary and back up offers.
New Committee Project Expedited Placement of Organs Goal: Reduce organ discards Issue was identified during broader sharing and liver redistricting discussions Start with liver allocation (depending on POC decision) Identify policy changes that will allow OPOs to expedite organ allocation to reduce organ discards POC discussed on January 18 Expedited Placement of Organs Goal: Reduce organ discards Issue was identified during broader sharing and liver redistricting discussions Start with liver allocation (depending on POC decision) Identify policy changes that will allow OPOs to expedite organ allocation to reduce organ discards POC discussed on January 18
Questions? Jennifer Prinz OPO Committee Chair jprinz@donoralliance.org Robert Hunter Committee Liaison robert.hunter@unos.org