Student Aviation Advisory Council
What is SAAC Student Aviation Advisory Council Direct connection between students and faculty Allows for a flow of information and ideas between both groups to constantly strive to improve the Odegard School of Aviation
Current Members President – Ian Harlander Vice President – Aaron Cary Secretary – Justin Gray Treasurer – Zachary Kretchmar X-Officio – Liz Rahmlow Director of Programming – Maxwell Jenks Director of Public Outreach – Tyler Barry Director of Student Outreach – Josh Sanchez Director of Technology – Kale Gieske X-Officio – Nico Britton
Is SAAC Really Necessary? YES! Aviation is constantly changing and the way we educate students is constantly changing as well. Our job is to make sure that faculty and students are able to communicate effectively in order to have to the school to continue to be the best aviation school in the nation.
How do you get involved? When new members are needed an email and flyer will be posted around Odegard Hall saying when/who to apply to. Students that complete the application will be contacted for an interview. Selected students will be contacted after the interview process and be given the choice to join this very important student organization.
What is required as a member? Mandatory meetings on Sunday at 4 pm in Robin SAAC Events Involvement outside regular school hours West Fargo High School Career Fair
Is it worth it? YES! The Odegard School influences every student. Being involved and giving back is a great way to ensure that this school continues to improve and be great.
What has SAAC done? Labeled Airplane Tails for easier identification Labeled Airport Shuttles Created VFR practice SID for KGFK Dean’s Newsletter Improved Robin/Ryan parking Reworded autoweather feature on restrictions page
What is SAAC working on? Extending Robin Hall hours using uCard to swipe in door Creating an aviation college calendar of events displayed on TVs Improving student experience at Wings Café Pushing for more AIMS improvements Creating discussion on training improvement to reflect industry STUDENT ORGANIZATION FAIR
Want more information? Visit our website: Shoot us an email: Zachary Kretchmar – Tyler Barry – Josh Sanchez – Aaron Cary –