Pest List Database for the Pacific Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific Pest List Database for the Pacific Ministry of Agriculture September 2003 Dick Vernon & Makelesi Kora-Gonelevu SPC Plant Protection Service E-mail: & Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018 SPC Plant Protection Service
Purpose of This Workshop Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific Purpose of This Workshop To give participants : knowledge of what the PLD is & what it can do the ability to use it themselves For SPC to learn how it can be improved Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018 SPC Plant Protection Service
Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific The PLD in Action Once there was a farmer. He could grow very fine taro of a special kind, and wished to export them to Japan. The authorities there said he had to supply them with a list of all the pests and diseases ever found on that crop in his country. Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018
The PLD in Action (cont.) The farmer almost gave up hope. But then someone said the Quarantine Service had a computer system that could do things like that. So, he visited the Quarantine office and presented his problem. Twenty minutes later he had his Pest List for Taro in his country. Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018
What Is the Pest List Database? Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific What Is the Pest List Database? An information system that - records pest occurrences within a country - provides a list of all pests found on a crop it may also record & report pest interceptions at ports to meet the demands of export destination countries Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018 SPC Plant Protection Service
Interception is not an Occurrence Occurrences. pests found living in a country. Interceptions. pests found at (air)ports by Quarantine; usually detected & destroyed. The PLD keeps these two separate. Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018
It also keeps separate: Public Records Those that have been authenticated by an internationally recognised authority Only Public records appear in Pest Lists Non-Public Records Those entered from farmers, extension staff, pest surveys etc, and not yet authenticated These do not appear in Pest Lists Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018
So Let’s Look at the PLD… Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018
Why a Pest List Database? Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific Why a Pest List Database? Needed for the establishment of trade agreements & to facilitate trade. Recommended by: 1998 Pacific Plant Protection Organisation meeting. 1999 Regional Technical Meeting on Plant Protection. 2001 Plant Protection in the Pacific meeting. Required by International Plant Protection Convention, Article 7,2i (see next slide). Recommendations from PPPO March 2001 Nadi Fiji 1. Country / Regional model database(s) be developed jointly by SPC and countries. 2. PICTs supply and SPC gathers & audits existing pest lists 3. Countries update their pest lists (surveys) - by 2004 (?), with support from SPC Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018 SPC Plant Protection Service
International Plant Protection Convention (Article 7,2i) Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific International Plant Protection Convention (Article 7,2i) “Contracting parties shall, to the best of their ability, establish and update lists of regulated pests, using scientific names, and make such lists available to the Secretary, to regional plant protection organisations of which they are members and, on request, to other contracting parties.” Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018 SPC Plant Protection Service
Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific What else can the PLD do? Can provide - a list of hosts for any given pest - a list of all weeds found in a country a list of bibliographic references provided always, that … the appropriate data has been entered into the system Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018
Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific Who Uses It? Quarantine & Plant Protection services: The Director & Senior staff should have access to it should be able to use it or know how to get what they need Frontline PP & Q staff need to know how to use it: enter data & generate reports “You don’t have this on your sheet. Suggest you add a note on your sheet.” Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018 SPC Plant Protection Service
Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific Progress to date… Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018
Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific In Conclusion: We have provided an overview of the PLD Now open for questions & discussion Pest Lists Database (PLD) for the Pacific 8 November 2018