Introduction: Name, Title, CPL Location, Length of time at CPL, Role in Summer Lit League. What is Summer Lit League? Summer Lit League, formerly known as Summer Reading Club is an eight week literacy program designed to encourage reading and family engagement during summer break. Our theme, “Make the Most of Your World” is thematically aligned with FRONT a new Art Triennial based in Cleveland and The American Library, an immigration exhibit created by British-Nigerian Artist Yinka Shonibare, which will be on display at the Cleveland Public Library. This summer, we are going to explore cultural diversity and immigration. How do you encourage reading and family engagement? Sign-up and completion prizes are provided as incentives, in addition to raffling off cool prizes all summer long. A slew of special events are planned for summer 2018, in addition to weekly programs at all branch locations. Why does the library have this program? We often hear about the “Summer Slide,” and how it effects students when they’re not engaged in learning. Local libraries are one of the few places that connects with students and families on an ongoing basis. With your help, we’d like to see more families taking advantage of library programs.
Summer Lit League: Make the Most of Your World! June 4–July 28 Tiny Tourists (birth–age 5) Adventurers (ages 6–12) Explorers (ages 13-18) Register online or at your neighborhood library Summer Lit League runs June 4 – July 28 Youth ages birth to 18 are encouraged to sign up for Summer Lit League. There are three categories: Tiny Tourists, Adventurers & Explorers. Students can register online or at their neighborhood branch. The program we use is called Beanstack. User Friendly, easy navigation. Emails book recommendations and event reminders.
Visit your branch for weekly activities! Summer Lit League Weekly Themes Week 1: One CLE! Celebrating Cultural Diversity Week 2: Welcome to Eastern Europe Week 3: Explore Africa Week 4: Discover Western Europe Week 5: Travel to East Asia Week 6: Journey through the Middle East Week 7: Tour South Asia Week 8: Sail to Central & South America, ¡Bienvenido! Families are encouraged to visit their neighborhood branch locations to participate in weekly programs. Programs will take place every week, for eight weeks at ALL branch locations. Most programs are aligned with weekly themes.
Read Log on Earn prizes Read 10 of your favorite books Log your books at Visit your neighborhood branch for two free tickets to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo! Valid for Sat, Aug 4 |10:00-2:00pm A free Chipotle coupon to the first 1,000 finishers! Read more…earn chances to win more! Read 15 Books | Earn a chance to win a family 4 pack to the Children’s Museum of Cleveland. Read 18 Books | Earn a chance to win a Kindle Fire. Read 20 Books | Earn a chance to win a Southwest Airline gift card. Earn Bonus Raffle Entries! Submit 3 book reviews or video booktalks for additional chances to win a Kindle Fire. Submit 2 more book reviews or video booktalks for additional chances to win Southwest Airline gift card. Airline gift card winners will be announced at the Summer Lit League Celebration event on Saturday, August 4, 2018 at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo at 12:30pm. Winners must be present. READ 10 BOOKS, GET A PRIZE! – Is our motto. Here’s an example of the directions for Tiny Tourists (ages birth – 18) (Presenter…continue to read the slide) This program can be completed entirely online for those who cannot make it into the branch or simply like the idea of completing everything online. When students sign up in person, they’ll receive a log that looks similar to an airplane ticket and their first incentive (a drawstring backpack). There’s a log for each age group. Inside the log, they’ll be able to write down their list of books read and see weekly themes and special events specific to their age group. Once all of their reading is complete, they can log books online, or take their logs into the branch and receive assistance with entering the information online. This year, we really want to encourage students to sign on and log their books themselves. Studies show if students register themselves online, they may be more encouraged to see themselves through to the end.
Fitbit for Reading: Beanstack Tracker App A new Beanstack app is scheduled to be released within the coming weeks. This one-of-a-kind app lets patrons: time reading sessions log books by scanning their ISBN numbers keep a log of current and past reading track daily reading stats and achieve streaks for reading multiple days in a row.
Here’s a list of special events. Save the Date cards do not list all of the 2018 summer programs. It is STRONGLY encouraged that students and families stop by there branch locations to know what is going. Not listed Punch & Paint: Enjoy fruit punch and get creative while painting a cultural masterpiece! (Collinwood Branch, Youth Services and Woodland) Books & Ballet: Youth ages 3-8 are invited to storytime with a ballerina! Learn basic ballet movements, storybook fairytales and enjoy a community tea! Additional Author visits: Raquel Ortiz (bilingual storytime) and Ellen Weinstein, Illustrator of Yayoi Kusama: from here to infinity.
Erica Marks Outreach and Programming Coordinator, Youth Cleveland Public Library 216.623.2921 216-389-6420 (mobile)
Explorer: After registering, this is the first page Lit League members will see. This falls under the “Program Tab.” Presenter: Read over the directions.
“The Log”
Example of badge earned for bonus entry into Kindle Fire