Office of Special Programs West Virginia Department of Education Speech-language Pathology Services in WV Schools: Guidelines for Best Practice Kathy Knighton Office of Special Programs West Virginia Department of Education
PURPOSE SLP RESOURCE Clarify State/federal regulations Reflect Best Practice Improve Consistency Assist SLPs, special education directors and school administrators: Facilitate speech-language services in their schools Improve outcomes for SLI students Special education practices and procedures for students receiving speech/language services are explained and clarified. Reference for SLPs/administrators regarding the appropriate delivery of services to students with speech-language impairments and the role of the SLP.
SLP WORK GROUP MEMBERS Alice Akers – Logan County Tondra Elkins – Mingo County Marsha Fink – Raleigh County Lisa Jackson – WVSHA / Raleigh County Nancy Laughlin – Marion County Cheryl Prichard – WVU Bernadette Rush – Harrison County Kerynn Sovic – Jackson County Anna Smith – Putnam County Janet Stone – Monongalia County Terri Stark – Cabell County
CONSIDERATIONS Summary Recommendation of Speech Forums FORMAT Summary Recommendation of Speech Forums State Guidance Documents CONTENT Reflect best practice User-friendly Comprehensive, but not overwhelming WV Specific Issues RESOURCES ASHA Resources Web-based resources National/state resources
TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD ACKNOWLEGEMENTS INTRODUCTION FEDERAL/STATE REGULATIONS IDEA Policy 2419 ROLE OF THE SLP Responsibilities not within Role WV SPECIAL EDUCATION PROCESS: SPEECH-LANGUAGE Identification and Referral Evaluation/Reevaluation Eligibility Individualized Education Program Service Delivery Models/Scheduling
TABLE OF CONTENTS……… MANAGEMENT OF SPECIAL POPULATIONS SPECIAL TOPICS Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) Autism Childhood Apraxia Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Cochlear Implants) Dysphagia English Language Learners SPECIAL TOPICS Assistive Technology WV Early Childhood Education Universal PreK/ WV Birth to Three Literacy Response to Intervention Medicaid Section 504
TABLE OF CONTENTS….. PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION REFERENCES APPENDICES Personnel National Board Certification Use of Speech Assistants Coordination: School Based Programs Facilities REFERENCES APPENDICES Glossary/Acronyms/Online Resources Multi-tiered Model for Speech/Language Services WV Policy 2419 Eligibility Criteria Examples of Severity Rating Scales
MULTI-TIERED MODEL FOR SPEECH-LANGUAGE SERVICES RTI model: Students with speech-language impairments National attention; Growing caseloads, increased paperwork and low dismissal rates, New approach to providing effective, efficient services Traditional approaches often result in students enrolled in programs for long periods of time without making significant progress Significant time and burdensome paperwork to navigate system for a young child with a mild speech disorder that may correct without intervention. SLPs provide intervention within the general education environment with the educator, parent and the student prior to referral for special education Observe the speech and language skills to determine if a disorder is present that requires referral for special education The RTI model has unique implications for students with speech-language impairments and is being imTraditional approaches to speech therapy often result in students being enrolled in programs for long periods of time without making significant progress. SLPs must dedicate significant time and maintain burdensome paperwork to navigate the special education system for a young child with a mild speech disorder that may correct without intervention. This model allows the SLPs to provide speech/language intervention within the general education environment with the educator, parent and the student prior to referral for special education. The student has the opportunity acquire age appropriate speech and/or language skills in a regular education environment. The SLPs and teacher have the opportunity to observe the child’s speech and language skills to determine if a disorder is present that requires referral for special education. In this model, students in Tier 1 and Tier 2 do not have an IEP.
“Step-Up” to Speech
RTI MODEL: Speech/language Services NOT A MANDATED PROGRAM! Students selected for this intervention are those with mild articulation and language delays. Students with significant speech and language issues must be referred and evaluated immediately. Students identified for Tier 1 and 2 do not have IEPs. Targeted students not be referred for special education until Tier 3. SLP responsible for implementing the special education process. Parent Involvement IS KEY!!!
NEXT STEPS Disseminate Guidelines WVSHA Available on Website: RESA Workshops Special Ed Directors/ SLP Special Education Leadership Conference April 11-13, 2011 AIR PROJECT “Step-up” to Speech Resources RTI in Action ASHA: Roles and Responsibilities of Speech-language Pathologists in Schools
THANK-YOU!!!!! 11/8/2018