Public Policy (info from N336) Course of action chosen by public authorities to address a given problem Problem = gap between reality and desired situation Policies need public support and legislative support
Branches of U.S. Government Executive: administers the laws President Cabinet Legislative: makes the laws Senate House of Representatives Judicial: interprets the laws court system
Lobbying Opportunities propose a bill agenda setting within Congress action at appropriate committee encourage President to sign/veto Note: The same ideas hold true at the state or local levels, targeting governors or mayors, etc. instead of the President
Developing Effective Policy Document needs and define the problem Develop a “grassroots” coalition of support Draft a policy statement; get the issue on the agenda Seek and gain support from relevant policy makers Policy is: adopted implemented monitored/evaluated terminated?
Elements of National Nutrition Policy Brainstorm:
How to locate proposed legislation? Thomas Legislative Information Federal Register U.S State and Local Government Gateway Specific government agencies, cities, states…
Group Assignment Find a piece of legislation relevant to your issue Defend a pro or con position as assigned Prepare a position paper that includes a summary of the bill/issue and your group’s position. (Due on the day of your presentation.) Debate your position in class as assigned
Individual Assignment Write a properly formatted business letter of support or opposition to a legislator on any bill/issue debated in class Include: Who you are Facts Your view Your signature Due Nov. 14