Paper 1: Health and Medicine, thematic study and environment. Question Marks Timings Question Type Section A: Medicine in WW1 Answer Questions 1 and 2 1 4 marks 6 mins Describe two features of… 2a 8 marks 12 mins How useful are Sources _ and _ for… 2b How could you follow up Source _ to find out more… Section B: Health and Medicine in Britain from 1250 - Present Answer both questions 3 and 4 and then EITHER 5 or 6 3 Describe one way in which…. is different/similar… 4 12 marks 18 mins Explain why …. has changed since… 5/6 16 marks + 4 SPAG 24 mins “[insert statement]” How far do you agree? Explain your answer. /52 = 72 mins
Order for answering questions: 1 2a 2b 3 5/6 4 1 2a 2b 5/6 4 3 OR
The question I would ask to do this is… QUESTION 1: ‘Describe two features of…’ (4 MARKS – 6 mins) [POINT] One key feature of… {WFTQ} is… [EVIDENCE]It was….(describe)… QUESTION 2B: Four short questions (4 MARKS – 6 mins) The detail in Source _ that I would follow up to find out more about …(WFTQ)… is… The question I would ask to do this is… The type of Source I could use to do this is… This type of Source would help me because… QUESTION 3: Explain (4 MARKS- 6 mins) [POINT] One way in which…(WFTQ)… was different/similar from…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is at first….. . However this was different in …. because…. [EXPLAIN] This shows that … has changed because… Therefore…(WFTQ)… QUESTION 5/6 ‘… “Quote” … How far do you agree?’ (16 MARKS + 4 SPAG – 24 mins) [POINT] One way… (WFTQ) is… (bullet point) [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that…. Therefore …(WFTQ)… [EXPLAIN] This meant that… [CONCLUSION] Overall, …(WFTQ)… can be seen as … because… QUESTION 2A: ‘How useful are the sources for…’ (8 MARKS – 12 mins) [POINT] Source _ is more/less useful for …(WFTQ) … because it tells me… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this (quote/description of sources)…/However it fails to tell me… [OWN KNOWLEDGE] This agrees with my own knowledge because I know… [RELIABILITY] Source _ reliable/unreliable for …(WFTQ)…because (N.O.P). The provenance affects the usefulness of the source because… Source __ is more useful for telling us about…(WFTQ)… because… QUESTION 4: ‘Explain why….’ (12 MARKS – 16 mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)… is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that (WFTQ) because… Therefore…
1 4 marks 6 mins Describe two features of the medieval explanations for the plague. 2a 8 marks 12 mins How useful are Sources A and B for explaining why there were improvements in medical knowledge during the Renaissance? 2b How could you follow up Source _ to find out more… Section B: Health and Medicine in Britain from 1250 - Present Answer both questions 3 and 4 and then EITHER 5 or 6 3 Explain one way in which treatments in the Renaissance were similar to those of the medieval period. 4 12 marks 18 mins Explain why Germ Theory enabled people to eradicate diseases. You may use in your answer: Work of Koch Development of Vaccinations 5/6 16 marks + 4 SPAG 24 mins In the Twentieth Century it was war that caused the greatest improvements in medical practice. How far do you agree? Explain your answer.
QUESTION 1: ‘Describe two features of…’ (4 MARKS – 6 mins) Describe two features of the medieval explanations for the plague. Feature 1: [POINT] One key feature of the medieval explanations for the plague are that it was a punishment from God. [EVIDENCE]It was believed that the plague was a punishment for the sins of man. Feature 2: [POINT] One key feature of the medieval explanations for the plague are that it was a result of bad air. [EVIDENCE]It was believed that the plague was spread in densely populated places like London by foul smells.
QUESTION 2A: How useful are Sources A and B for explaining why medical knowledge improved during the Renaissance? (8 MARKS – 12 mins) [POINT] Source A is more useful for explaining why medical knowledge improved during the Renaissance because it tells me that dissections were conducted and shows that this knowledge was taught and shared. [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this in the picture I can see Vesalius dissecting a body teaching others how it works. Not only that but the source is printed which could be widely distributed easily and cheaply. [OWN KNOWLEDGE] This agrees with my own knowledge because I know that during the Renaissance medical knowledge improved as physicians such as Vesalius started to dissect human bodies. I also know that this information was shared by institutions like the Royal Society. [RELIABILITY] Source A is reliable for explaining why medical knowledge improved during the Renaissance because the origin of the source is 1543. The provenance affects the usefulness of the source because the source is from the Renaissance and made by Vesalius.
[POINT] Source B is less useful for explaining why medical knowledge improved during the Renaissance because it tells me in general terms the importance of the printing press but it does not tell me about the specifics of improvements that were made. [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is that the source states “The printing press resulted in the wide distribution of all forms of knowledge throughout Europe in the Renaissance.” However it fails to tell me what knowledge was spread. For example, the theories of William Harvey and Vesalius. [OWN KNOWLEDGE] This agrees with my own knowledge because I know that the printing press was vital in spreading medical knowledge and it was important in breaking the control over knowledge that was previously held by the Church. This meant that new ideas could be shared. [RELIABILITY] Source B is far less reliable for explaining why medical knowledge improved during the Renaissance because of its purpose. The source was produced by The Society for celebrating the printing press. Therefore it wants us to believe that the pr9inting press was the most important factor in spreading medical knowledge. The provenance affects the usefulness of the source because it has not considered fairly other factors that improved medical knowledge, like the dissections. Source A is more useful for explaining why medical knowledge improved during the Renaissance because it shows a dissection and is from the period. In contrast the purpose of Source B makes it less reliable and therefore less useful for explaining why medical knowledge improved.
QUESTION 2B: Four short questions (4 MARKS – 6 mins) How could you follow up Source A to find out more about the improvements in medical knowledge in the Renaissance In the In your answer, you must give the question you would ask and the type of source you could use. Complete the table below. Detail in the source that you would follow up: The detail in Source A that I would follow up to find out more about is the dissections. Question I would ask: I would ask, ‘What role did dissections play in improving medical knowledge in the Renaissance?’ Type of source I could use: I could use a medical journal Why would you use this type of source: This type of Source would help me because it would show what further knowledge was reached from the information gained from dissections.
QUESTION 3: Explain (4 MARKS- 6 mins) Explain one way in which treatments in the Renaissance were similar to those of the Medieval period. [POINT] One way in which treatments in the Renaissance were similar to those of the Medieval period was that bleeding and purging were still widely used. [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is during the Medieval period treatments were based on the theory of the Four Humours. This remained the main explanation of the cause of illnesses in the Renaissance . [EXPLAIN] This meant that physicians still used techniques such as blood letting and bowel purges. Therefore because the theory of the Four Humours dominated medical theory treatments remained similar from the Medieval period to the Renaissance.
Source B: ‘The printing press resulted in the wide distribution of all forms of knowledge throughout Europe in the Renaissance. It was the printing press alone which improved medical knowledge during the Renaissance .’ 2014, from ‘The Society for celebrating the printing press’. Source A: A print from The Fabric of the Human Body, showing Vesalius demonstrating a dissection in 1543.
QUESTION 4: (12 MARKS – 16 mins) ‘Explain why Germ Theory enabled people to eradicate diseases. You may use in your answer: Work of Koch Development of Vaccinations [POINT] One reason why Germ Theory enabled people to eradicate diseases is because of the work of Robert Koch. [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is that Robert Koch was finally able to accurately identify the bacteria that caused Anthrax. [EXPLAIN] This meant that Germ Theory enabled people to eradicate disease because it enabled them to finally disprove the theory of the miasma. Therefore Germ Theory enabled people to eradicate diseases because it enabled them to accurately identify the causes of diseases. [POINT] One reason why Germ Theory enabled people to eradicate diseases is that it enabled Jenner to effectively develop more vaccines beyond that for small pox. [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is that in 1885 he successfully tested a vaccine which cured a boy of rabies. [EXPLAIN] This meant that Germ Theory enabled people to eradicate diseases because other scientists were able to identify specific bacteria that caused diseases and create vaccines to target them. Therefore Germ Theory enabled the successful creation of many vaccines which eradicated diseases like Typhoid.
[POINT] One reason why Germ Theory enabled people to eradicate disease is that it proved the link between dirt and disease. [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is that once the government realised that dirt caused disease they were willing to pay to clean up cities to prevent Cholera epidemics. [EXPLAIN] This meant that Germ Theory had prompted the government to take action to improve public health. Therefore Germ Theory led to improvements in public health and an eradication of diseases like Cholera. [CONCLUSION] In conclusion the most important reason why Germ Theory enabled people to eradicate diseases is that it was able to accurately identify the causes of diseases enabling people to develop vaccinations and improve public health.
Question 4: (12 marks) Explain why… Level Marks Description Level 1 1-3 A simple or generalised answer is given, lacking development and organisation. Level 2 4-6 Simple explanation, with limited analysis and focus on the question. Some development and organisation of material shown, but a line of reasoning is not sustained. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 5 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 3 7-9 An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the question. Line of reasoning is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 8 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 4 10-12 An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the question, showing a line of reasoning that is coherent, sustained and logically structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the required features or characteristics of the period studied. No access to Level 4 for answers which do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. WWW: [ ] Simple statements [ ] Simple explanation with relevant information [ ] Developed explanation with accurate and relevant information [ ] Sustained explanation with precise and wide-ranging own knowledge EBI: [ ] Simple statements To improve I must….
QUESTION 5/6 ‘ How far do you agree?’ (16 MARKS + 4 SPAG – 24 mins) ‘In the Twentieth Century it was First World War that caused the greatest improvements in medical practice. - War - Discovery of DNA [POINT] One way in which war caused the greatest improvements in medical practice is the First World War caused an acceleration of developments in medical practice. [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is in the First there were a huge number of casualties which led to doctors taking more risks and making more discoveries. This led to the development of plastic surgery and improved methods such as the Thomas Splint and X-rays [EXPLAIN] This meant that the FWW resulted in surgeons discovering new techniques to deal with both more complex injuries and very basic injuries. Therefore the FWW saw a huge improvement in medical practice during the twentieth century because doctors were able to discover new ways of dealing with a wide variety of injuries, both simple and complex. They were forced to do so because of the sheer volume of injuries.
[POINT] On the other hand one could argue that it was WW2 that led to the greatest improvements in medical practice during the twentieth century.[EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is during WW2 there were even more causalities than in the FWW but also the USA funded the industrial production of penicillin which was first used at D-Day to treat soldiers. [EXPLAIN] This meant that surgeons to fight internal infections which meant that they could do more invasive surgery. Therefore WW2 caused more improvements than WW1 in the development of medical practice because the production of penicillin opened the door to more surgery. [POINT] On the other hand one could argue that it was the intervention of the government that caused the greatest improvements in medical practice during the twentieth century because it led to increased funding an greater patients to experiment on. [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is the NHS was set up in 1948 to provide free health care to all British people leading to the creation of high-tech hospitals. These have focused on improving medical practice such as [EXPLAIN] This meant that medical practice improved because hospitals had the funding and patients to develop practices such as, blood transfusions, transplants radiotherapy and X-rays. Therefore government intervention and the creation of the NHS that caused the greatest improvements in medical practice in the Twentieth Century. [CONCLUSION] Overall, government intervention and the NHS can be seen as the most important factor that caused improvements in medical practice because it led to the long term investment in improvements for the whole population. In contrast the First and Second World Wars were catalysts for improvements in the short term but had less impact in the long term.
Question 4/5: (16 marks + 4 SPAG) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree? Level Description L1 1-4 A simple or generalised answer, lacking development and organisation. Limited knowledge of the topic is shown. The overall judgement is missing. L2 5-8 A simple explanation is given showing limited analysis and with implicit links to the conceptual focus of the question. It shows some development and organisation of material but reasoning is not sustained. Accurate and relevant information is included, showing some knowledge and understanding of the period. Weak overall judgement is given. Maximum 7 marks for answers that do not include a third point L3 9-12 An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the conceptual focus of the question. It shows a line of reasoning that is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. Accurate and relevant information is included, showing good knowledge and understanding of the required features or characteristics of the period studied. The overall judgement is given with some justification. Maximum 10 marks for answers that do not include a third point L4 13-16 An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the question, reasoning is coherent, sustained and structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely selected to address the question directly, showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the period studied. Overall judgement is clear and justified. No access to L4 for answers that do not include a third point SPAG 1-2 SPAG is poor 3-4 SPAG is good
QUESTION 1: ‘Describe two features of…’ (4 MARKS – 6 mins) P.Ex x 2 [POINT] One key feature of… {WFTQ} is… [EVIDENCE]It was….(describe)…
Question 1: Describe two features of… (4 marks) Level Mark Descriptor Result 1 Simple statement(s) One simple statement = 1 mark Two simple statements = 2 marks 2 Statements with evidence One statement supported by evidence = 3 marks Two statements supported by evidence = 4 marks WWW: [ ] You described using a simple statement. [ ] You described using two simple statements. [ ] You described one key feature with evidence. [ ] You described two key features with precise evidence. EBI: [ ] You added one more simple description. [ ] You added two more simple descriptions. [ ] You used evidence to support your key features. [ ] You needed precise evidence. To improve I must… Question 1: Describe two features of… (4 marks) Level Mark Descriptor Result 1 Simple statement(s) One simple statement = 1 mark Two simple statements = 2 marks 2 Statements with evidence One statement supported by evidence = 3 marks Two statements supported by evidence = 4 marks WWW: [ ] You described using a simple statement. [ ] You described using two simple statements. [ ] You described one key feature with evidence. [ ] You described two key features with precise evidence. EBI: [ ] You added one more simple description. [ ] You added two more simple descriptions. [ ] You used evidence to support your key features. [ ] You needed precise evidence. To improve I must…
QUESTION 2A: (8 MARKS – 12 mins) How useful are Sources _ and _ for an enquiry into… Explain your answer using Source _ and _ and your own knowledge of the historical context. P.E.O.R x 2 [POINT] Source _ is useful for …(WFTQ) … because it tells me… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this (quote/description of sources)… [OWN KNOWLEDGE] This agrees with my own knowledge because I know… [RELIABILITY] Source _ reliable/unreliable for …(WFTQ)…because (N.O.P). The provenance affects the usefulness of the source because… Source __ is more useful for telling us about…(WFTQ)… because…
Question 2a: (8 Mark) How useful are sources for… questions Mark Description What did I get? Level 1 1-2 A simple judgement on utility is given, and supported by undeveloped comment on the content of the sources and/or their provenance Level 2 3-5 Judgements on source utility for the specified enquiry are given using valid criteria. Judgements are supported by developed comment related to the content of the sources and/or their provenance. Level 3 6-8 Judgements on source utility for the specified enquiry are given, applying valid criteria with developed reasoning which takes into account how the provenance affects the usefulness of the source content. WWW: [ ] I made simple statement about the source [ ] I made simple statements using evidence from the source. [ ] I made simple statements using the source and my OK. [ ] I made developed statements using the source, my own knowledge and mentioned reliability (context/NOP) [ ] I made developed statements using BOTH sources, precise own knowledge and mentioned reliability (context AND NOP) [ ] I have reached an overall judgement on the reliability of the sources in regards to the question EBI: To improve I must… Question 2a: (8 Mark) How useful are sources for… questions Mark Description What did I get? Level 1 1-2 A simple judgement on utility is given, and supported by undeveloped comment on the content of the sources and/or their provenance Level 2 3-5 Judgements on source utility for the specified enquiry are given using valid criteria. Judgements are supported by developed comment related to the content of the sources and/or their provenance. Level 3 6-8 Judgements on source utility for the specified enquiry are given, applying valid criteria with developed reasoning which takes into account how the provenance affects the usefulness of the source content. WWW: [ ] I made simple statement about the source [ ] I made simple statements using evidence from the source. [ ] I made simple statements using the source and my OK. [ ] I made developed statements using the source, my own knowledge and mentioned reliability (context/NOP) [ ] I made developed statements using BOTH sources, precise own knowledge and mentioned reliability (context AND NOP) [ ] I have reached an overall judgement on the reliability of the sources in regards to the question EBI: To improve I must…
QUESTION 2B: Four short questions (4 MARKS – 6 mins) How could you follow up Source _ to find out about… In your answer, you must give the question you would ask and the type of source you could use. PEx x 2 The detail in Source _ that I would follow up to find out more about …(WFTQ)… is… The question I would ask to do this is… The type of Source I could use to do this is… This type of Source would help me because…
[ ] I have stated which detail I will follow up Question 2b: (4 marks) How could you follow up Source _ to find out about… Level Mark Description What did I get? Level 1 1-4 Award 1 mark for selecting a detail in Source A that could form the basis of a follow-up enquiry 1 mark for a question which is linked to it. (No mark for a question that is not linked to following up the Source) Award 1 mark for identification of an appropriate source 1 mark for an answer that shows how it might help answer the chosen follow-up question. WWW: [ ] I have stated which detail I will follow up [ ] I have written down a question I would ask [ ] I have stated what type of source I would use [ ] I have explained how this would help my enquiry EBI: [ ] I have stated which detail I will follow up To improve I must…. Question 2b: (4 marks) How could you follow up Source _ to find out about… Level Mark Description What did I get? Level 1 1-4 Award 1 mark for selecting a detail in Source A that could form the basis of a follow-up enquiry 1 mark for a question which is linked to it. (No mark for a question that is not linked to following up the Source) Award 1 mark for identification of an appropriate source 1 mark for an answer that shows how it might help answer the chosen follow-up question. WWW: [ ] I have stated which detail I will follow up [ ] I have written down a question I would ask [ ] I have stated what type of source I would use [ ] I have explained how this would help my enquiry EBI: [ ] I have stated which detail I will follow up To improve I must….
QUESTION 3: Explain… (4 MARKS- 6 mins) Explain one way in which… was different from… P.Ev.Ex x 1 QUESTION 3: Explain… (4 MARKS- 6 mins) [POINT] One way in which…(WFTQ)… was different from…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is at first….. . However this was different in …. because…. [EXPLAIN] This shows that … has changed because… Therefore…(WFTQ)…
Question 3: (4 marks) Explain one way in which… was different from… Level Description What did I get? Level 1 1-2 Simple or generalised comment is offered about a difference Generalised information about the topic is included. Level 2 3-4 Features of the period are analysed to explain a difference. Specific information about the topic is added to support the comparison. WWW: [ ] One simple statement about a difference [ ] simple description of a difference [ ] Explained a difference [ ] Used precise historical knowledge as evidence to support my explanation EBI: [ ] One simple statement about a difference To improve I must…. Question 3: (4 marks) Explain one way in which… was different from… Level Description What did I get? Level 1 1-2 Simple or generalised comment is offered about a difference Generalised information about the topic is included. Level 2 3-4 Features of the period are analysed to explain a difference. Specific information about the topic is added to support the comparison. WWW: [ ] One simple statement about a difference [ ] simple description of a difference [ ] Explained a difference [ ] Used precise historical knowledge as evidence to support my explanation EBI: [ ] One simple statement about a difference To improve I must….
P.E.E.L x 3 QUESTION 4: ‘Explain why….’ (12 MARKS – 16 mins Explain why… You may use the following in your answer: (2 bullet points) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)… is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This shows that (WFTQ) because… Therefore…
Result Result Question 4: (12 marks) Explain why… Level Marks Description Result Level 1 1-3 A simple or generalised answer is given, lacking development and organisation. Level 2 4-6 Simple explanation, with limited analysis and focus on the question. Some development and organisation of material shown, but a line of reasoning is not sustained. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 5 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 3 7-9 An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the question. Line of reasoning is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 8 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 4 10-12 An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the question, showing a line of reasoning that is coherent, sustained and logically structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the required features or characteristics of the period studied. No access to Level 4 for answers which do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. WWW: [ ] Simple statements [ ] Simple explanation with relevant information [ ] Developed explanation with accurate and relevant information [ ] Sustained explanation with precise and wide-ranging own knowledge EBI: [ ] Simple statements To improve I must…. Question 4: (12 marks) Explain why… Level Marks Description Result Level 1 1-3 A simple or generalised answer is given, lacking development and organisation. Level 2 4-6 Simple explanation, with limited analysis and focus on the question. Some development and organisation of material shown, but a line of reasoning is not sustained. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 5 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 3 7-9 An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the question. Line of reasoning is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 8 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 4 10-12 An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the question, showing a line of reasoning that is coherent, sustained and logically structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the required features or characteristics of the period studied. No access to Level 4 for answers which do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. WWW: [ ] Simple statements [ ] Simple explanation with relevant information [ ] Developed explanation with accurate and relevant information [ ] Sustained explanation with precise and wide-ranging own knowledge EBI: [ ] Simple statements To improve I must….
QUESTION 5/6 ‘… “Quote” … How far do you agree QUESTION 5/6 ‘… “Quote” … How far do you agree? Your answer , two bullet points’ MARKS + 4 SPAG – 24 mins) “ [POINT] One way… (WFTQ) is… (bullet point) [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This supports/does not support the statement because… Therefore …(WFTQ)… [CONCLUSION] Overall, …(WFTQ)… can be seen as … because
[ ] You wrote a simple statement. Question 4/5: (16 marks + 4 SPAG) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree? Level Description Result L1 1-4 A simple or generalised answer, lacking development and organisation. Limited knowledge of the topic is shown. The overall judgement is missing. L2 5-8 A simple explanation is given showing limited analysis and with implicit links to the conceptual focus of the question. It shows some development and organisation of material but reasoning is not sustained. Accurate and relevant information is included, showing some knowledge and understanding of the period. Weak overall judgement is given. Maximum 7 marks for answers that do not include a third point L3 9-12 An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the conceptual focus of the question. It shows a line of reasoning that is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. Accurate and relevant information is included, showing good knowledge and understanding of the required features or characteristics of the period studied. The overall judgement is given with some justification. Maximum 10 marks for answers that do not include a third point L4 13-16 An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the question, reasoning is coherent, sustained and structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely selected to address the question directly, showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the period studied. Overall judgement is clear and justified. No access to L4 for answers that do not include a third point SPAG 1-2 SPAG is poor 3-4 SPAG is good WWW: [ ] You wrote a simple statement. [ ] You wrote two or more simple statements. [ ] You wrote a developed statement based on one bullet point. [ ] You explained two bullet points using relevant evidence. [ ] You explained three different reasons using precise evidence. [ ] You wrote a conclusion with a clear judgement about the statement EBI: [ ] You wrote a simple statement. To improve I must…. Question 4/5: (16 marks + 4 SPAG) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree? Level Description Result L1 1-4 A simple or generalised answer, lacking development and organisation. Limited knowledge of the topic is shown. The overall judgement is missing. L2 5-8 A simple explanation is given showing limited analysis and with implicit links to the conceptual focus of the question. It shows some development and organisation of material but reasoning is not sustained. Accurate and relevant information is included, showing some knowledge and understanding of the period. Weak overall judgement is given. Maximum 7 marks for answers that do not include a third point L3 9-12 An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the conceptual focus of the question. It shows a line of reasoning that is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. Accurate and relevant information is included, showing good knowledge and understanding of the required features or characteristics of the period studied. The overall judgement is given with some justification. Maximum 10 marks for answers that do not include a third point L4 13-16 An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the question, reasoning is coherent, sustained and structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely selected to address the question directly, showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the period studied. Overall judgement is clear and justified. No access to L4 for answers that do not include a third point SPAG 1-2 SPAG is poor 3-4 SPAG is good WWW: [ ] You wrote a simple statement. [ ] You wrote two or more simple statements. [ ] You wrote a developed statement based on one bullet point. [ ] You explained two bullet points using relevant evidence. [ ] You explained three different reasons using precise evidence. [ ] You wrote a conclusion with a clear judgement about the statement EBI: [ ] You wrote a simple statement. To improve I must….